About “little” jobs …

During an interview on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, Kamala Harris repeated that she worked at a McDonald’s in college.

The interviewer then asked Harris about “little” and “big” jobs, but Harris cut in and said, “There’s no such thing as a little job.” (Read story here.)

Harris is right. Every job is important, or the employer wouldn’t pay a worker to do it. People should be judged by their work, not their occupation. I express my philosophy about this by saying I have more respect for a good janitor than a lousy doctor.

Trump doesn’t respect workers, because he was born into wealth, and never had to work for a living. He doesn’t respect our military personnel and veterans, because he didn’t have to serve (thanks to a dubious medical exemption).

When I served in the Army and Army Reserve, my fellow soldiers wanted to see if I’d get my hands dirty and do the grunt work with them. I showed them I would, and that’s how I was accepted as one of them. It doesn’t matter what the work is, what matters is how you do it. All honest work is honorable.

The president leading our country should be someone who understands this, preferably by having lived it, which is the only way to really learn it. In America, there are many kinds of work, but all workers have this in common. Vote for the former McDonald’s burger flipper, who knows what work is.

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