Trump a “normal” candidate? Who is he kidding?

Brad Todd (photo, left) is a GOP strategist and political commentator who describes himself as “a refugee from journalism” (read his profile here).

Todd wants Democrats to “back off” from “apocalyptic rhetoric” that electing Trump would end democracy. He “concedes that Trump can be undisciplined, but he urged Democrats to campaign against him like a normal candidate” (see story here).

Who is he kidding? Trump isn’t normal. He refused to yield power after losing the 2020 election, incited the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, is under federal and state indictments for election law violations, is threatening to arrest opponents and critics, has spoken of “terminating” the Constitution and being a “dictator,” and has created legitimate fear of authoritarian rule if he regains power.

People like Todd need to stop excusing Trump’s lawless behavior. Even loyal partisanship has its limits. So far Trump has thrown nearly everyone who has served him under the bus. Someday, Todd should realize, Trump may do the same to him.

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