Kamala Harris didn’t hit-and-run

It’s a bombshell story: “Kamala Harris was involved in a ‘hit and run’ accident in 2011 where she hit a 13-year old” named “Alicia” or “Alisha” Brown and left her paralyzed in a wheelchair.

It was posted on a website called “KBSF-San Francisco News” on September 2, 2024. No such TV station has ever existed. The domain was registered on August 20, 2024, and the website disappeared on September 2, 2024.

There’s no police record of the purported car accident. The crash photo is actually a 2018 car accident in Guam. Brown’s purported x-rays were copied from medical journals published in 2010 and 2017; they’re of a 58-year-old hospital patient in China and a 12-year-old girl in Netherlands.

“Alicia Brown” hasn’t come forward, and fact-checkers found no evidence she exists. The story says Brown’s mother died, but no death record or obituary exists.

BBC News says the story is a cheap cut-and-paste job (see their story here); Politico also debunked it (see their article here). A French news site traced the story to “pro-Russian influencers” (see their story here).

The story is fake, the accident never happened, the victim isn’t a real person, and the whole thing is a contrived political smear.

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