What just happened to Florida’s “anti-woke” law?

It was carried into the ER on a litter and pronounced “really, really, dead on arrival.”

Florida House Bill 7, a Gov. DeSantis venture passed in 2022, in essence banned critical race theory from schools and DEI training from workplaces, characterizing these forms of education as discriminatory against whites.

The law never took effect, because it was temporarily blocked by a federal judge in August 2022, a ruling which was upheld on appeal in March 2024. Then, on July 26, 2024, the district judge made the injunction permanent (see story here), killing the law for good.

What was the problem? Oh, free speech, that’s all. Plus the judge found its wording “bordering on unintelligible,” and therefore impossible to comply with — or enforce. The appeals court said it penalized “certain viewpoints — the greatest First Amendment sin.”

DeSantis and his lawyers can appeal to the Supreme Court, and heaven only knows what might happen there.

Photo below: Gov. DeSantis signing the “anti-woke” law that courts struck down

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