BREAKING NEWS: Gaddafi’s Circle Shrinks. McCain Can’t Credit Obama


Forces Advance On Capital After Series Of Battles…Gaddafi Responds With Airstrikes…Libyan Leader Remains Defiant Huff Post

McCain: Qadhafi has ‘hours if not days’ on CBS’s “Face the Nation,”

“It’s a matter of hours if not days. I believe that it’s nearing the end, and it’s going to be a big challenge forming a new government, uniting a country that has never known democracy.  We’ve seen the difficulties with other countries who made this transition, but we will be rid of a guy that has the blood of Americans on his hands. We will be rid of a guy who has practiced the worst kind of brutalities.”

“Let me just say, this will send a message to [Syrian leader] Bashar Assad. It will send a message in Yemen. It will send a message to other dictators that their time is nearing the end. This Arab Spring is echoing all over the world, from Russia to China to Israel to…and being manifested in a lot of different ways. But since that young man burned himself to death in Tunisia, we are seeing a vastly changed world.”

“I’d like to say that I grieve a bit, because this conflict didn’t have to last this long,” McCain said. “The United States air power could have shortened this conflict dramatically and unfortunately we chose not to. We led from behind.”

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