Click the image to friend a real life, hard core, science denying Facebook type. Brian Frakes Stephen what mental institution are you a resident of? Brian Frakes Please tell me that you aren’t free to walk among us! Brian Frakes Ron, up your ass, pin head Brian Frakes Stupid MF! Get a fuckng[...]
Posts Tagged ‘FACEBOOK’
When Conservatives Try to Squirm Out of Their Guilt
This is a recent post on Facebook by a conservative named Steve Yeger and his friend Rob Schick. This is, of course, meant as a somewhat silly effort to tie today’s Dem Party to the horrors of racism. “Margaret Sanger..founder of planned > baby murdering<..parenthood….respo[...]
Free Speech does not mean that you can yell “Fire!!” in a movie theater. We all understand that.
Chad Lupkes on FACEBOOK We have had enough. America has had ENOUGH! Racism, religious extremism, ignorance, bigotry, sexism, homophobia, all of these things ARE yelling “Fire!” in our country and it’s time for us to stop. It’s time for us to stop TOLERATING it. Kids l[...]
Whites Genetically Weaker Than Blacks, Study Finds | Fox News
FACEBOOK: In its usual style ,Fox tries to foment racism. The network of O’Reilly summarized genetic studies as proving that race is real! Not only real BUT … according to Fox ..genetics proves Blacks are better athletes. Fox: “Prehistoric population ‘bottlenecks̵[...]
Sawantism explained by David Goldstein: “She’s a Trotskyist, not Maoist or a Stalinist.”
Over on FACEBOOK, David Goldstein valiantly tries to explain how he can support Kshama Sawant while this Brahmin Trotskyite proclaims her goal as overthrow of the Democratic Party, packs public meetings in her own district with her supporters and listens while her drew yell and scream so others̵[...]
PHOTOGRAPHY: Cunningham at Cornish
Funny thing .. this picture of a picture adds to its effect![...]
FACEBOOK: When is “thug” not a euphemism for “n******”
I hate newspeak. Orwell created the term in “1984” to describe the way the Ministry of Truth manipulated people by creating definition .. “War=Peace” or “Choice =Abortion” are examples. Of course Orwell’s fictional practice is now all too common as a pra[...]
Islamophobia on FACEBOOK
FACEBOOK Robert Porter Should students in our public schools be taught Islam/Muslim religion? YES. Teach them that Muhammad came in quite modern times and was unable to read or write and was unable to remember stories that he was told from the bible. An example is that he thought that Mary the mothe[...]
SUNDAY REVELATIONS: A Passover 5775 Conversation About Antisemitism
FACEBOOK: Benjamin Donguk Lukoff Why the Jews? There has to be something to do with Judaism being the forerunner of the religion of how many billion people? Didn’t Zeus kill Kronos? Gregory C. Eaves Sure, I realize all societies are dumb enough to create an Other. Like race or sexuality, [...]