Posts Tagged ‘2024 Election’

July 23rd, 2024 - 6:17 pm § in Democrats, Donald Trump, Politics, Republicans

Even GOPers think Vance is a mistake

The “most striking thing … heard from Trump allies yesterday was the second-guessing of JD Vance—a selection, they acknowledged, that was borne of cockiness,” MSNBC said on Tuesday, July 23, 2024, a day after Kamala Harris became Trump’s opponent. Trump made the choice, and th[...]

July 22nd, 2024 - 7:03 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics, Republicans

Who is Curtis Yarvin and why does he matter?

Curtis Yarvin (photo, left; profile here), 51, grew up as a prodigy and became a software developer, which doesn’t make him important. Yarvin’s influence derives from his blogging and radical political views. He’s worth posting about because J.D. Vance, the 2024 GOP vice presidenti[...]

July 21st, 2024 - 7:58 pm § in Biden, Democrats, Donald Trump, Politics, Republicans

Biden put [x] party [x] country first

It’s perfectly clear that Biden wanted to take on Trump, beat him, and serve another term. Even as polling collapsed, and donors and fellow Democrats defected, he clung to that dream. He had to be nudged out. Obama and Pelosi talked to him, gently. Others went public, openly worried he’d[...]

July 21st, 2024 - 6:55 pm § in Democrats, Law and Courts, Politics

Can Barack be vice president?

USA Today says (here) the 22nd Amendment, which imposes presidential term limits, is ambiguous. The relevant language says, “No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two y[...]

July 16th, 2024 - 4:07 pm § in Donald Trump, Law and Courts, Politics, Republicans

Trump picks Vance; judge nukes Mar-a-Lago case. Will this fly?

It’s hard to see what Trump’s pick brings to the ticket. Vance isn’t popular with the MAGA base, with many calling him a “RINO” (see story here), while critics at the other end of the political spectrum view him as a toady (“he’ll do what Pence wouldn’t,” see story here). The big[...]

July 14th, 2024 - 3:46 pm § in Biden, Donald Trump, Politics, Republicans

Who was Thomas Matthew Crooks?

Not surprisingly, the 20-year-old white male who tried to assassinate Donald Trump on July 13, 2024, was known as an odd duck. High school classmates remember him as a friendly but quiet loner who kept to himself, dressed oddly in hunting clothes, and was mercilessly bullied. He was intelligent and [...]

July 12th, 2024 - 4:30 am § in Biden, Democrats, Politics

Thank you for your service, Mr. President

You beat Trump in 2020, and you’ve been a good president, enacting impactful legislation and threading excruciatingly difficult foreign policy needles. Mission accomplished. It’s time to pass the baton; you’re slowing down, you walk stiffly and get confused, even tongue-tied at times, and don�[...]

July 11th, 2024 - 6:07 pm § in Biden, Democrats, News Media, Politics

RFK Jr.’s dishonest campaign ad

“CNN anchor Jake Tapper is demanding Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s campaign remove an ad from social media that … is deceptively edited to show leading cable news hosts such as Tapper, Dana Bash, MSNBC’s Joy Reid and others saying Democrats are ‘rallying’ around Kennedy&[...]

July 9th, 2024 - 6:06 pm § in Donald Trump, Politics, Republicans

Nikki Haley’s immoral decision

Nikki Haley is releasing her delegates and “urging them to support” Trump, CNN reported on Tuesday, July 9, 2024 (read story here). This should disqualify her from future consideration for the presidency. Why? I can think of at least four reasons, in addition to those I’ve posted p[...]

July 6th, 2024 - 10:38 pm § in Biden, News Media, Politics, Racism

NY Post’s thinly-veiled racist attack on Kamala Harris

As pressure mounts on Biden to pull out of the 2024 race, eyes are turning toward Kamala Harris (photo, left), the person most likely to succeed him as Democratic nominee. She could even be president if he resigns. Although Biden still insists on staying in, Republicans are planning for that possibi[...]