Islamophobia on FACEBOOK

captureFACEBOOK Robert Porter

Nutshell SMS

Well .. one COULD do this … also adding that Muhamud’s armies liberated a vast territory ruled by the Christian empire ..the “Rome” then run by Byzantium. That Rome practiced slavery, crucifixion, forced conversion, male castration, female enslavement s nuns, hereditary rule by bishops, etc. etc. Muhamud brought fair government, abolished the hereditary rule under the Church, and preserved Greek learning declared heresy by the Christians.    Or maybe we should teach that there is no evidence outside the Christian bible that any “Christian” movement existed in Roman occupied Judea and by the time of Constantine the Church was used as a weapon to enforce Roman rule? Or maybe about the MILLIONS of people enslaved or killed in the name of Jesus by crusaders, the Inquisition, missionaries, conquistadores? Oh .. and then maybe he would like to explain the pagan celebrations of Astarte (Easter) and their emphasis on human sacrifice?

Should students in our public schools be taught Islam/Muslim religion? YES.
Teach them that Muhammad came in quite modern times and was unable to read or write and was unable to remember stories that he was told from the bible.

An example is that he thought that Mary the mother of Christ was the sister of Moses. Initially he correctly believed that the visions he was having were from Satan until his wife convinced him that they were from Allah (god). He was an abuser of children and murdered Jews and Christians and anyone else who disagreed with him. If the schools will not teach this then YOU teach them at home so that they may ask intelligent questions in class.

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