Archive for the ‘Schools & Colleges’ Category

July 24th, 2024 - 5:43 pm § in Politics, Republicans, Schools & Colleges

Is Oklahoma the worst state?

It’s sure trying to be. Peruse the list below of my previous posts about Oklahoma. But first, the reason for this post is the state schools superintendent’s thinly-disguised efforts to impose mandatory Bible instruction on Oklahoma public schools. This isn’t especially shocking, gi[...]

July 18th, 2024 - 3:48 pm § in Biden, News Media, Politics, Republicans, Schools & Colleges

True or False: Did Biden “open our borders” to fentanyl smugglers?

There are three basic kinds of facts: Real facts, legal facts, and political facts. “Real facts,” as the term implies, are reality. “Legal facts” are the pictures lawyers paint to juries, which may bear little or no resemblance to reality. “Political facts” are wh[...]

June 19th, 2024 - 9:27 pm § in Business, Politics, Schools & Colleges

Poll: Americans support DEI programs

Nationally, 61% of Americans support diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs, a Washington Post/Ipsos survey conducted in mid-April of 2024 shows (read story here). The survey showed 34% consider DEI programs at companies “a bad thing.” That number roughly conforms with the perce[...]

June 10th, 2024 - 3:16 pm § in Law and Courts, Schools & Colleges

Student tests school free speech with anti-gay tee-shirt

The Supreme Court ruled decades ago that students have some free speech rights, but left the water muddied, perplexing courts and schools to the present day. Consequently, school free speech cases are very complicated. School authorities usually “are motivated by a desire to maintain order, av[...]

June 5th, 2024 - 2:27 am § in Donald Trump, Law and Courts, Schools & Colleges

Trump complains because jury didn’t smile at him

Donald Trump, who famously adores being adored, says his felony conviction is unfair because the jurors never smiled at him (story here). But that doesn’t prove the jury was biased against him. It probably just means they took jury duty seriously, which is what you want them to do. Or maybe th[...]

May 24th, 2024 - 3:01 pm § in Business, Hypocrisy, Schools & Colleges

Credentials inflation

Just as bad as sky-high grocery prices, or ridiculous F-150 sticker prices — perhaps worse — is employers demanding degrees for jobs that don’t require them. This forces kids to go to college and rack up student debts they can’t afford which conservatives are adamant must be [...]

May 24th, 2024 - 3:55 am § in Schools & Colleges

What should children learn in school?

That’s not just a question for teachers or education experts. Increasingly activist parents want a say, and it’s becoming a partisan football, kicked this way and that. I’m sure schools have changed since I went through the K12 grades and college in the 1950s and 1960s. I was a bri[...]

May 17th, 2024 - 6:05 pm § in Law and Courts, Schools & Colleges

Soccer mom sues cops who gave her a fire ant sandwich

A Texas woman is accusing cops “of hogtying her and pressing her face down to a pile of fire ants.” When dropping her son off at school, she turned into a bus-only lane, and then apparently panicked (see story here). But the cops claim she drove across a lawn fleeing from police, then fo[...]

May 12th, 2024 - 12:37 am § in Schools & Colleges

Alito frets over loss of free speech on campuses

Supreme Court justice Samuel Alito said there’s “declining” support for free speech on college campuses in his commencement speech at a Catholic college on May 11, 2024 (read story here). I’m not sure who he’s blaming, but I don’t disagree with what he’s saying. R[...]

May 11th, 2024 - 8:07 pm § in Israel/Palestine, Schools & Colleges

Who should run universities?

“In recent years, universities across the US have come under increasing pressure from conservative politicians and donors criticizing them as liberal bastions of ‘wokeness.’” This is an excerpt from a CNN article on May 11, 2024, about pro-Palestinian campus protests (read it her[...]