Posts Tagged ‘Climate Denial’

October 8th, 2024 - 8:26 pm § in Donald Trump, Environment, Politics, Republicans

Should we abandon climate ostriches to fate?

When Miami-based TV weatherman John Morales (profiled here) issued a dire warning last week about incoming Hurricane Milton, some viewers called him a “climate militant” and accused him of “overhyping emerging weather threats” (read story here). Many Floridians are paying hug[...]

August 29th, 2024 - 4:42 am § in Environment, Politics, Republicans

Carbon capture is a bust

Companies won’t invest in it; only taxpayers are funding it, and … “The United States and other governments have little to show for these massive investments in carbon capture – none of the demonstration projects have lived up to their initial hype,” said Robert Howarth, professor [...]

May 3rd, 2024 - 2:04 am § in Environment

Climate change is a hoax dep’t

“Climate change is steadily raising sea levels around the world, but the Gulf of Mexico is rising faster than almost anywhere else in the world,” an article in the UK-based tabloid Daily Mail said on Friday, May 3, 2024 (read it here; see map below). “Ocean levels are at least si[...]

June 2nd, 2023 - 10:26 pm § in Politics, Republicans, Schools & Colleges

If you pass a law against climate change, it’ll happen anyway

State Sen. Jerry Cirino (photo, left; profile here), an Ohio Republican, is sponsoring a bill that “designates climate policy as a ‘controversial belief or policy.’” On a purely abstract plane, a climate “belief or policy” could be controversial if, say, it posits tha[...]

April 15th, 2023 - 1:52 am § in Environment

Still in denial about climate change?

March 2023 was the 529th consecutive month of above-normal planetary temperatures, using the 2oth century average as a baseline (see story here). You can see that global warming is happening; ice is melting all over the world: Mountain glaciers, Arctic Ocean ice cover, the Greenland ice cap, Antarct[...]

January 10th, 2023 - 4:56 am § in Science

Still think climate change is a hoax?

“Don’t Look Up” is a satire film about humanity in denial about an impending comet collision with earth (details here). It’s a not-too-subtle play on attitudes about climate change. Denialism is quite possibly the most striking cultural phenomenon of our time. Election, clima[...]

December 2nd, 2022 - 9:21 pm § in Environment

Busting a polar bear myth

Background: Polar bears are a symbol of the deleterious effects of global warming. Climate deniers claim: The polar bear population has “never been higher.” The facts: Polar bears came back from near-extinction caused by overhunting, thanks to conservation efforts and hunting restrictions, but t[...]

March 15th, 2022 - 6:40 pm § in Politics, Religion, Science

Here’s GOP candidate’s “proof” evolution isn’t real

“At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not?” No. Science never said “man came from apes.” But that’s what GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker told a congregation on Sunday, March 13, 2022 (story here), adding for good measure, “If that is true” (it i[...]

November 22nd, 2021 - 1:13 am § in America, China, Environment, Politics

Major cities hire “chief heat officers”

Here in Seattle, we sweltered through prolonged 100-degree-plus heat last summer, and I began joking to friends about buying Arctic beachfront property while it’s available. The warming Arctic is no joke, though. Seattle isn’t one of the cities hiring “chief heat officers” &#[...]

July 6th, 2021 - 4:29 pm § in Environment, Politics, Science

Calling climate change “B.S.” doesn’t make it less real

Sen. Ron Johnson (photo, left; bio here), a Republican from Wisconsin, who is arguably the most factually-challenged member of that body in addition to being a liar (“the rioters were just tourists”), “insisted again last week that he is not a climate change denier,” but CNN [...]