It took 100 years, but Jim Wallahee’s illegal hunting conviction was finally reversed. The Washington Supreme Court ruled on May 16, 2024, that he had a treaty right to shoot that deer. (See story here and court decision here.) When Europeans began settling in North America, they exercised wha[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Washington State’
Court throws out 100-year-old conviction of tribal hunter
Washington GOPer calls democracy “bad idea” (video)
This was a speech at the 2024 Washington State Republican Party convention in Spokane. Return to The-Ave.US Home Page[...]
Washington enacts race-based reparations program for homebuyers
Washington Gov. Jay Inslee signed legislation last week that will tax documents filed with county auditors to provide a form of reparations to victims of past housing discrimination. KING 5 News, a Seattle TV station, described it here as a “$100 processing fee for homebuyers,” but the l[...]
Covid-19 delta variant roars through Washington state
“The Covid outbreak is so bad in Washington state that hospitals are running out of intensive care beds,” CNBC reported on Wednesday, August 25, 2021 (read story here). This mirrors the situation in other states, where the surging Delta variant — which now accounts for nearly all U[...]
Is Loren Culp a human sacrifice?
This article contains biting liberal commentary. Not literally. But in politics, the term “human sacrifice” is often applied to unserious candidates who not only have no chance of winning, but no chance of making a respectable showing. They’re typically nominated as ballot filler i[...]
Jew Down The Price
The origin of this saying, this feeling that Jews cannot be trusted and will do the dirty work of “money-changing”, goes back hundreds of years (a couple thousand actually). This is not innocent. Who is familiar with the Shakespearian play, Merchant of Venice? ‘Jew down the price’: G[...]
Reuven Carlyle We appear to be moving toward a state budget and the largest reform of education finance in our state’s 128 year history. #waleg Regardless of how it unfolds, I’m grateful for the enormous dedication of budget writers working 7×24 for a responsible agreement. And yet [...]
Chart: Washington’s giver and taker counties
Unless you live in Columbia, King, Kittitas, San Juan, or Skagit County, you’re getting more from the state than you’re paying in state taxes. If you live in Seattle, over a third of your state taxes go elsewhere. Here’s the breakdown (click on image to enlarge):[...]
Racism at Evergreen, WASTATE’s Ohso Progressive Campus
50 EVERGREEN FACULTY CALL FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION AGAINST BIOLOGY PROFESSOR These faculty call on the College to: Demonstrate accountability by pursuing a disciplinary investigation against Bret Weinstein according to guidelines in the Social Contract and Faculty Handbook. Weinst[...]
Is Pope Frank for Real? In 2012, the Vatican accused U.S. nuns of taking up such “radical feminist themes” as social welfare and political action. The Romans saw income inequality as a distraction from Roman Catholicism’s issues of contraception, abortion and same-sex marriage. There[...]