Posts Tagged ‘2022 Elections’

September 16th, 2024 - 8:20 pm § in Politics

Don’t elect Carrie R. Kennedy to Washington’s legislature

Carrie R. Kennedy (photo, right; profile here) is an Oath Keeper who ran for Congress in 2022, finishing 6th in the primary (see results here), and is running for a legislative seat in 2024 in a district that includes Whidbey Island. Although she eked out a weak second place in the primary and is on[...]

August 18th, 2024 - 4:53 pm § in Politics, Republicans

Switching parties

Marie Alvarado-Gil was elected to the California Senate in 2022. She won as a Democrat in a Republican district. How was this possible? No Republican was on the ballot. Why? Because California uses a top-two primary system, in which the two top vote-getters advance to the general election, and the R[...]

May 5th, 2024 - 12:59 am § in Law and Courts, Politics, Republicans

Making abortion legal again

Abortion bans are unpopular, and voters are taking the laws into their own hands. “Since the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade two years ago, abortion rights advocates have won in seven out of seven abortion-related ballot measures,” a Mother Jones article noted on May 4, 2024 (read i[...]

June 13th, 2023 - 8:51 pm § in Law and Courts, Politics, Republicans

Michigan election deniers fined $58,000 for frivolous lawsuit

Democrats swept the 2022 Michigan state elections, capturing every statewide office and the legislature (see details here). That was partly because the GOP fielded lousy candidates, as a result of crazy Trumpers prevailing in the GOP primaries, although backlash on abortion rights probably also work[...]

June 8th, 2023 - 11:15 pm § in Democrats, Law and Courts, Politics, Racism, Republicans

Is the Chief Justice sorry he gave the House to the GOP?

In 2022, before the midterm elections, federal judges — some appointed by Trump — struck down Alabama’s congressional districting maps as racially motivated. The Supreme Court temporarily reinstated those maps during the 2022 elections, but on June 8, 2023, ruled they violated the [...]

May 22nd, 2023 - 10:35 pm § in Law and Courts, Politics, Republicans

Kari Lake rebuffed in court again

An Arizona trial court judge has again rejected Kari Lake’s claims that she lost the 2022 governor’s race because of misconduct by Maricopa County election officials (see story here). The same judge previously ruled Lake failed to prove any of her original 10 grounds for overturning the [...]

May 20th, 2023 - 12:14 pm § in Biden, Democrats, Donald Trump, Politics, Republicans

Colorado offers new evidence the GOP is turning off its own voters

Do Republicans’ problems go beyond voter antipathy to Trump? Is the GOP a Superfund site? At this point, that’s a belief and attitude among Democrats, but there’s not a lot of hard evidence. GOP candidates underperformed in 2022, but the high-profile losers were almost exclusively [...]

March 18th, 2023 - 2:37 am § in Politics, Republicans

They can believe whatever they like, but they can’t have our elections

America is a free country where people, if they wish, can believe the earth is 6,000 years old (or flat, if they prefer), climate change is a hoax, and elephants fly. They can also believe rigged voting machines stole the 2020 election from Trump and all the other lies Fox puts on the air to [&helli[...]

February 26th, 2023 - 12:08 pm § in Donald Trump, Hypocrisy, Politics, Republicans

Loyalty pledge

Ronna McDaniel, who chairs the Republican National Committee (RNC), firmly believes 2024 GOP presidential contenders should be required “to sign a pledge to back the party’s ultimate nominee in order to participate in primary debates.” “I think it’s kind of a no-brainer, ri[...]

February 19th, 2023 - 10:52 am § in Politics, Racism, Republicans

Racist lunatic to lead Michigan GOP

It feels strange to label a black woman as a racist; but I’ll get to that, and explain it, momentarily. Kristina Karamo (bio here; photo, left) was elected chair of Michigan’s Republican Party on Saturday, February 19, 2023 (see story here). This is the first time she’s been electe[...]