Search Results

February 7th, 2020 - 9:02 am § in Israel/Palestine, Jews

Iran’s Peace Plan for Palestine

Iran’s proposal is for a referendum among all the people who claim an identity as Palestinian.  The wrinkle here is who would be included .. refugees living today in a Palestinian diaspora?  Jews outside of Israel? Nonetheless it is worth a discussion! [...]

December 3rd, 2019 - 10:47 am § in Jews, Saudi Arabia

Scoop: U.S. pushing Arab states for non-belligerence pacts with Israel

Barak Ravid of Israel’s Channel 13 news is reporting that the Trump administration is trying to lubricate the impasse between Israel and its neighbors by encouraging an aggression pacts as a step to peace. Israeli, Arab and U.S. sources tell Mr. Ravid that President Trump’s deputy national s[...]

November 28th, 2019 - 10:55 am § in Jews, Saudi Arabia

A Rare Gesture of Peace Netween Us and Them

THE TIMES OF ISRAEL: Hundreds of Israelis join Palestinians to ‘unify forces’ for peace Prosemitism means that Arabs and Jews should join together to erase and idea that we need an “US” or a “THEM.”  Israel should see itself and be seen as part of a shared renaissance of[...]

June 26th, 2019 - 8:53 am § in America, Israel/Palestine, Politics, Saudi Arabia

‘Netanyahu’s Regime Must Be Toppled’: Ehud Barak Makes Comeback With New Israeli Political Party

Former Prime Minister Ehud Barak announced today the establishment of a new party, saying Prime Minister Benajmin Netanyahu’s regime, with its “corrupt and messianic elements,” must be toppled. As a Zionist, I despair of what Israel has become.   Israel is becoming a modern versi[...]

June 16th, 2019 - 7:28 am § in America, Donald Trump, Hypocrisy, Israel/Palestine, Jews, Politics, Religion, Saudi Arabia

Saudi American Israel Axis” When SAIS Replaces ISIS!

While Donald Trump confronts Iran, the Saudis continue their terrorism.  Thirty years after Chinese troops killed hundreds of students in Tiananmen Square and six years after Egyptian troops shot 800 in Tahrir Square, Sudanese soldiers have done the same in their own square in their own capital. Th[...]

March 23rd, 2019 - 1:23 pm § in Misc.

BREAKING NEWS: Abbas said he agreed to let the US and NATO place peace keeping troops in Palestine.

According to the Jerusalem Post, the Palestine President, Mahmoud  Abbas, has proposed deploying US-led NATO forces i to address Israel’s security concerns,  Abbas says he proposed this idea to  President Donald Trump when they met in NewYork in December 2017.  They have not met since that tim[...]

March 11th, 2019 - 11:16 am § in Misc.

“When the hell will someone in this government tell the public that Israel is a country of all its citizens”

Wonder Woman takes on Netanyahu   edited from YNET “When the hell will someone in this government tell the public that Israel is a country of all its citizens,” Rotem Sela,wrote on Instagram, referring to Netanyahu’s frequent talking point that his political rival, Benny Gantz[...]

December 24th, 2018 - 9:34 am § in Donald Trump, Hypocrisy

TRUMP’s PEACE PLAN …. Let them eat cake!

Trump’s brilliance: So, now we see the reality of Trump’s plan for peace in the middle east. Donald John Trump is the new messiah. The Don has created a new AXIS that includes Israel  and the Saudis in alliance against Iran, Pakistan, Russia, and Turkey.  What is wrong with that?  Yep[...]

December 6th, 2018 - 10:18 am § in Donald Trump, Hypocrisy, Israel/Palestine, Jews, Politics

HANNUKAH: Can Israel Survive Trump?

An Israel Based on Saudi Barbarism Will Fall Israel, under Netanyahu and Trump, has enthusiastically entered an alliance with the worst thugs of the Muslim world .. the Saudis and Sisi. As a result Israel’s survival may be dependent on Trump’s incompetence. From its beginnings in 1948 th[...]

December 15th, 2017 - 5:44 am § in Israel/Palestine, Jews, Misc.

Fourth Night of Hanukkah: A call for a true telling of the stories of Israel and Palestine

Just as the history of Hanukkah itself is distorted to make it into something between the Fourth of July and Christmas, the histories  of modern Israel, Palestine and the Weimar Republic  need to be understood if there is to be peace. Eran Spiro FACEBOOK: Just because the British Mandate of Pales[...]