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July 31st, 2013 - 7:09 am § in Politics

BREAKING NEWS: Move to peace in Israel II?

Hundreds protest PM’s decision to release Palestinian prisoners Demonstrator: “These terrorists have blood on their hands.” Temple Mount shut to non-Muslims till after Ramadan Joint Committee of Temple Organizations say change in policy occurred because Palestinian youth sleep at the s[...]

July 28th, 2013 - 12:08 pm § in Politics

BREAKING NEWS: Move to peace in Israel?

PA welcomes Israeli decision to free Palestinian prisoners, vows to work for release of all inmates Chief Palestinian negotiator Erekat calls Sunday’s Cabinet decision an “overdue step,” says release includes all pre-Oslo “political prisoners that remain in Israeli prisons, including[...]

May 1st, 2013 - 12:08 am § in Misc.

BREAKING NEWS: Steps to peace in Israel?

Jerusalem – Israeli Chief Negotiator Welcomes Arab Peace Plan Yesterday 11:33 AM Jerusalem – Israel’s chief peace negotiator on Tuesday welcomed the Arab League’s decision to sweeten a decade-old initiative offering comprehensive… Read More »[...]

November 4th, 2012 - 12:28 pm § in Jews, Misc.

Alan Dershowitz Proposes Peace Talks in Palestine/Israel

Resume Mideast Peace Talks After the Election By Alan Dershowitz from NewsMax I was invited to meet with President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority just before he spoke to the General Assembly of the United Nations. I came to the meeting with an agenda: to persuade him to sit down with the[...]

January 3rd, 2012 - 10:25 am § in Misc.

BREAKING NEWS: Muslim Brotherhood Threatens Israeli-Egypt Peace

Muslim Brotherhood vows not to recognize Israel By JPOST.COM STAFF AND REUTERS 01/01/2012 11:42 Egyptian party’s deputy leader tells ‘al-Hayat’ that they won’t negotiate with Israel, will seek to cancel peace treaty. I am skeptical.  The Muslim Brotherhood, from my reading, [...]

January 3rd, 1942 - 4:44 pm § in Misc.

Israel and Palestine. Peace. Tags!


May 2nd, 2024 - 12:54 pm § in Israel/Palestine, Schools & Colleges

PHOTOGRAPHY: Peaceful protest

Although the UCLA protest on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, turned violent when pro-Israel counter-demonstrators attacked the protesters (see story here), while police waited more than two hours to intervene (see story here), this photo has nothing to do with that. It’s what the police did to the st[...]

July 13th, 2021 - 12:14 pm § in Israel/Palestine

Your signs or your peace talks

The U.S., under new management, is trying to restart peace talks between Israel, also under new management, and the Palestine Authority, still under the same old management. “The PA’s list of demands to do so likely will include returning to an earlier status quo that limited Jews from visit[...]

May 15th, 2021 - 1:19 pm § in Foreign Affairs, Israel/Palestine

Where is Jared’s peace plan now?

Dead on arrival, it seems. It was never a real peace plan anyway. Jared is a citizen of Israel. His “plan” was heavily skewed in favor of Israel (read details here). The Palestinians couldn’t be expected to accept it, nor did they. Nor did Israel’s rightwing leader, Netanyahu[...]

May 10th, 2021 - 8:26 pm § in Biden, Foreign Affairs, Jews, Politics

Is Democrats’ love affair with Israel over?

Democrats’ traditional support for Israel isn’t hard to figure out. For over a century, Jewish voters have overwhelmingly voted Democratic (see chart here). This held right up through the 2020 election; in fact, McCain in 2008 and Romney in 2012 did significantly better among this demogr[...]