from Huff Post, excerpted TAMPA, Fla. — Following an extensive remodel, the Penthouse Club in Tampa, Fla., is finally ready for next summer’s Republican National Convention. Club operator DeWayne Levesque has installed two secluded VIP sections, which he hopes will help his club attract [...]
Posts Tagged ‘tea party’
A couple of days ago, I speculated that Mitt Romney might pay more in his Mormon Church tax, called “tithing,” than he does in tax to the US government. I was right! MITT TITHES MORE THAN HE PAYS IN TAXES!!! My estimates were right on, except that I grossly underestimated Mitt’[...]
HUMOR: Who’s Your Daddy? Who’s Your Mama?
(Jan. 5, 2010) — Today, most Americans are familiar with the long list of records Obama has had sealed, among them his college transcripts, his Selective Service records, his visa (or multiple visas), his baptismal certificate, his Illinois law license, his medical records, and his passport (or[...]
Can You Define “Independent?”
A look at Washington state party identity Darryl Holman. UW Antropology About four years ago, I examined how party identity had changed in both the U.S. and Washington state over a two year period following the mid-term elections. Writing about Washington state in 2007, I pointed out: We have a so[...]
Donald Trump Attacks A Jewish Racist
What race is Trump?[...]
News from North Korea: Miracle of the Fishes
calendar>>December 23. 2011 Juch 100 Supply of Fishes to Pyongyang Citizens Begins Pyongyang, December 23 (KCNA) — The supply of fishes to Pyongyang citizens began Thursday at this sad time of national mourning.Leader Kim Jong Il worked heart and soul to supply the people with fresh f[...]
Climate Denial as Humor
As an intellectual, I am embarrassed but must admit I enjoy the humor of Sasha Baron Cohen. So imagine my glee at learning that the most prominent climate denier in Britain, Lord Christopher “Monckton” is yet another creation of Mr. Cohen. For those of you unfamiliar with “Monc[...]
BREAKING NEWS: Court Overrules Tea Party Government in Hungary
Budapest, Hungary – Hungary’s Top Court Strikes Down New Religion Law Budapest, Hungary – Hungary’s Constitutional Court has struck down the country’s restrictive new church law as well as parts of its disputed media law and the criminal code. The Constitutional Court findings [...]
If Obama can’t stand up to Iran and Israel, he will set the US on a direct path to another Middle East war.
America, Israel and Iran – no way out, Robert Grenier AlJazeera edited and excerpted Iran’s pursuit of nuclear arms has less to do with Israel and more to do with the threat posed by the US [GALLO/GETTY] Of course, the tacit assumption that US and Israeli interests in the region are[...]
SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Britain Recognizes Polygamous Marriage
While the uS is caught up over whether two folks living together shoul be recognized as “married,” Our great ally. United Kingdom, is now officially subsidizing polygamy for Muslims on welfare, despite the fact that bigamy is a crime in Britain. Someone should ask Mitt Romney if he w[...]