Posts Tagged ‘SMS family’

November 3rd, 2013 - 4:53 am § in Misc.

BUCHENWALD 3: You are free!

Rabbi Herschel Schacter Is Dead at 95 Cried to the Jews of Buchenwald: ‘You Are Free’ Rabbi Schacter died last March at 95, five years after my father’s death.    Rabbi Schacter’s obituary in the New York Times tells how the young Rabbi, then just a two years younger than my fath[...]

November 2nd, 2013 - 4:12 am § in Politics, Religion

Eid Mubrarak: The Caliphate: a golden age

The feared caliphate:  Is this what the West fears? This is the historic extent of the last caliphate .. before the Turkish conquest. Moreover … note the final version .. th Abassid.  This regime existed in what the West calls its Dark Ages … but in truth it was a golden age of learni[...]

November 2nd, 2013 - 3:13 am § in Misc.

Buchenwald 2: Role of Black GIs

  The story of Buchenwald also involves lessons about our own country.  My father was there in part because he led a largely Jewish medical company … at that time Jewish doctors was less than popular with the white troops so Eisenhower created a Jewish medical company that could roam whe[...]

November 1st, 2013 - 9:23 am § in Jews, Misc.

Of Costumes and Being a Jew

Nonjews and many Jews themselves have trouble understanding our diversity. Some Jews reject these cheredim just as my own family seems not to understand that Jews can be atheists. I wonder what they would think if I became a JUBU?[...]

October 31st, 2013 - 8:45 pm § in Jews, Misc.

Buchenwald; the survivors

  Wiesenthal, Simon M 01908-12-3131 December 1908 02005-09-3030 September 2005 (96) Ukraine (based Wikipedia entries)  After being forced to work as a slave labourer in Nazi concentration camps, Wiesenthal dedicated most of his life to tracking down and gathering information on fugitive Nazi w[...]

October 31st, 2013 - 1:04 pm § in The Ave Scene

Happy Halloween To My Family

With family dispersed from Boston ot South Carolina, New York, Pasadena and Oslo, we wanted you all to know what Halloween in Seattle is like[...]

October 30th, 2013 - 10:07 am § in Uncategorized

Buchenwald I: Segregation in Hell

I just returned from Brandeis where we discussed my Dad’s collection of WW II photographs.  He actually arrived in the camp as the commanding officer of a US Army medical group dispatched by Eisenhower to go wherever my father felt the need was greatest.  The Americans had come to the beech [...]

October 26th, 2013 - 3:35 am § in Misc.

Innovation .. Is this what marketing is about?

    Happy Birthday Hugh! We all hear the talk about American “innovation.”  What is innovation?  I suspect the bulk of it has little to do with inventing new products.   But then …. Some years ago my brother told me that he was working on a secret new product for his [...]

October 20th, 2013 - 6:42 am § in Misc.

Sunday Revelations: A Debate

Dan Barker, USA’s leading Atheist and founder of the Freedom From Religion Foundation, debates Hamza Andreas Tzortzis on which is more rational, Islam or Atheism. CLICK TO LISTEN[...]

October 11th, 2013 - 10:17 am § in America, Jews

Who Is A Jew? Schwartz Pride and the Nobel Prizes!

So, who won this years Nobel Prizes in Biology and Chemistry?  Based on their names and, for two, origins in Israel, five of the six are Jews! Why do I take pride in this?  On October 1, a poll released by the Pew Research Center revealed that over 60 percent of American Jews consider Judaism [&he[...]