Eid Mubrarak: The Caliphate: a golden age

The feared caliphate:  Is this what the West fears?

This is the historic extent of the last caliphate .. before the Turkish conquest.

Moreover … note the final version .. th Abassid.  This regime existed in what the West calls its Dark Ages … but in truth it was a golden age of learning.  The Renaissance was less a rebirth than it was the barbarian  west finally sipping at the wealth of knowledge from the Islamic caliphate.

Actually, this table ignores a rival caliphate … the Cordoban calliphate, a very open form of Islam derived from the Umayyad, that rules in spain about a 1housand tears ago.   My own family lived under the Cordoban caliphate and only fled with Isaac Abravanel  when the Christian Barbarians came to power in Andalus.


632 death of Mohammed
632-661 Rashidun Caliphate [orange]
661-750 Umayyad Caliphate [yellow]
750-1258 Abassid Caliphate


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