Gentry Lange Some of you may wonder why I hate Sawant and love Bernie Sanders. Personally, what I see of Sawant is a grandstanding self-promoting idiot. Who pushes for things like rent control and city wide minimum wage hikes that hurt small business. Her idea seems to be get the 99% to fight with i[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Sawant’
This FB Post sats what I feel about Sawant better than I can
Baptist Pastor Steven Anderson Says Jewish Holocaust Survivors Are All ‘Paid Liars’
ROGER RABBIT: Seattle’s city council election, Sawant, and housing.
Taking into account that the November electorate differs somewhat from primary voters, I’ll predict that both Sawant and Burgess will be reelected. Godden, 83, isn’t the dynamic force on the council (was she ever?) voters are looking for to deal with our rapidly evolving city, and whether or not[...]
Sawant has 49.9% in 5-way primary in election night partial returns. Good news for Banks?
After spending an estimated $400,000 of money largely from enthusiasts outside Seattle, self-proclaimed Trotskyist and Seattle City Council incumbent Kshama Sawant garnered 49.9% of the votes in a 5-candidate primary race in the returns released on election night, with Pamela Banks, her strongest c[...]
Goldy and Steve: VOTE DAMNIT VOTE!
Turnout, Turnout, Turnout! by Goldy — from HorsesAss Tuesday, 8/4/15, 7:35 am Despite all the reports of low turnout, it looks to me like it’s going to be pretty normal for an odd-year primary—north of 30 percent, at least here in Seattle. But to be honest, I’m not sure what to make of the�[...]
Kshama Sawant: Rent Control Is Like a Minimum Wage for Tenants
Which Way for Affordable Housing in Seattle? Seattle is booming with job growth and a major influx of working people. Yes, we need increased housing supply. Yes, we need zoning changes to build more housing, and to enable a denser and more walkable and accessible city. But why is there such a severe[...]
Changing my mind about position 9, Seattle City Council.
Bill Bradburd if you squint hard, Sawant disappears. Perhaps from where you are. But where I am the blare is pretty hard to ignore. Her slogans make it very hard to “hear” what others have to say. The vote this Tuesday in District 3 will, sadly, be based on reactions to her politic[...]
Andrew Fuller I find your constant demonizing of Sawant very strange, Stephen Schwartz. RESPONSE: Andrew: You want demonization? How is Sawant different from Sarah Palin? Sarah and Sawant both demonize really, really good people … inciting hatred and hurting their own followers. Look [...]
Will Sawant’s Army Win?
TAX THE RICH! DOWN WITH LANDLORDS! WORKERS ARISE! As Seattle goes to the polls, our mail in ballots are due by next Tuesday! Meanwhile, something new is happening .. at least new for Seattle. One candidate, Kshama Sawant, has built her campaign in District 3 on masses of external funds. Almost [...]
RENT CONTROL: Great for the well to do! Not much good for poor folks!
“RENT CONTROL!” “TAX THE RICH” “GREEDY LANDLORDS!” Great slogans but WHO is listening? I suspect that people who cheer Sawant are the homeless and low income people whose housing options are disappearing. The problem is that economists say rent control does not wo[...]