Posts Tagged ‘Propaganda’

April 1st, 2014 - 9:08 am § in Uncategorized

SAM Gets More Free Stuff to Put in its Sculpture Garden!

NO JOKE! New York apparently got tired of looking at listening to this thing. Some rich person bought this thing by a popular Spanish sculptor Jaume Plensa.  Plensa created the forty-four feet tall monolithic sculpture, ” Echo” for Madison Square Park, NY.  He claims it  depicts a[...]

March 7th, 2014 - 4:03 pm § in America

Dark Money And Democracy

Fatcats like the Koch brothers throw money at politics, sometimes with little effect, for example, in the 2012 election cycle Karl Rove spent over $300 million of fatcats’ money and they got absolutely nothing for their money.  Ultimately, it’s really up to the voters, and no amount of [...]

February 23rd, 2014 - 9:44 am § in Politics, Russia

Putin’s Nightmare!

Putin’s Sochi dream shattered by Ukraine’s nightmare As the  Ukrainian Parliament assumed presidential powers, Ukraine’s revolution is destroying President Putin’s $51,000.000.000 Olympic dreams. (Globe and Mail) In this dream, Russia is rich again, a place where the reported $[...]

February 21st, 2014 - 2:56 pm § in Hypocrisy, Religion

Banning Gay Conversion

from HorsesAss Gay Conversion Therapy Ban Passed The WA House by Carl, 02/14/2014, 7:56 AM And with a solid 94-4 majority. As I understand it, it would mean that people who practice that harmful garbage wouldn’t be able to hold a license to practice in the state. It now goes on the the state Senat[...]

February 15th, 2014 - 11:12 am § in Hypocrisy, Politics, Russia

Russia: Putin backs dictator for Egypt

Putin backs Egypt army chief’s run for president MOSCOW (AP) – Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday wished Egypt’s military chief victory in the nation’s presidential vote, even though he has yet to announce his bid – a strong endorsement signaling Moscow’[...]

February 6th, 2014 - 11:45 am § in America, Hypocrisy, The Ave Scene

REPOST: Superbowl attracts kid prostitutes

CHILD AB– USE  Huff post reports that Super Bowl and other big sporting events provide potentially lucrative opportunities for sex traffickers. <click image>  Like the investigators , I too read several “package” ads that offered tickets, drugs and escorts.  These were fou[...]

December 18th, 2013 - 3:28 pm § in America

Responding to an email complaint

A relative who lives in South Carolina has complained that  posts here about that state are unfair My reply: As for posts about SC, they really are nothing new.  Like many here in Seattle I have been angry that Boeing moved its assembly plant to avoid paying skilled workers a fair wage and becaus[...]

December 11th, 2013 - 12:04 pm § in America, Hypocrisy, Politics

Helping Real Veterans: Democrats Lead Effort to Recognize Heroism

Republican Cowardice One of the weirdest think about the Reprican party is the number of faux heroes .. from Reagan who landed on D Day in the movies to Bush who went AWOL during Vietnam to the FAUX (and Fox) fed outrage when Reprican cuts forced Obama to close the WWII monument during tCruz led [&h[...]

December 8th, 2013 - 10:32 pm § in Uncategorized

North Korea: Family feud revises history

North Korea aired a doctored rerun of a TV  documentary on Saturday about its leader Kim Jong Un that disappeared the face of Kim’s uncle,  the recently disposed Jang Song Thaek.  The deposed general’s   face was invisible and entire scenes were re-edited to remove him. Makes me wond[...]

December 4th, 2013 - 10:05 am § in Hypocrisy, Misc., Politics, The Ave Scene

Dont call me nigga

The word nigger or nigga as African Americans say has many different meanings.  At one point the word nigger was used by whites in order to define, limit, and ridicule blacks. The word is still used today, unlike back in the 1800’s up to the 1960’s, the majority of people using the word are[...]