Posts Tagged ‘President Romney’

January 17th, 2014 - 10:22 am § in America, Politics

President Romney: Chamber of Commerce Urges President Romney to Support Immigration Reform

Secretary Thomas is confident President Romney and Speaker Boehner will Pass the Rubio-Cruz Immigartion Bill . Secretary of Labor and former United States Chamber of Commerce President and CEO Thomas Donohue speaks to the Chamber                                    [...]

January 14th, 2014 - 4:24 am § in America, Misc.

PRESIDENT ROMNEY: Sarah Palin’s amazing success as ambassador to Russia

Paul Hellyer, who used to be Canada’s defense minister,  has met with Ambassador Sarah Palin to discuss his ideas about mutual disarmament btween Russia, China and the USA. Ms. Palin, having recently emerged as a hunting buddy with President Putin, has begun to take a prominent role on hostin[...]

January 5th, 2014 - 11:00 am § in Misc.

PRESIDENT ROMNEY: Appears on Faux To Defend FUHCA

“Faux News Sunday” host Chris Wallace asked Romney what bothered him the most about the Tea Party objections to the Federal Uniform Health Care Act, the grealtry modified version of the Affordable Health Care Act put forward by his predecessor Barak Obama.“It’s not right for�[...]

January 1st, 2014 - 11:30 am § in Misc.

President Romney: Happy New Year!

Playa del Secreto, MEXICO (TA News) — President Romney, clearly upset about the news about the bombings in Volgagrad, held a news conference from his vacation at Playa del Secreto.   The President denied rumors that Ann was planning to boycott the Winter Olympics, reprimanding an aggressive repo[...]

December 21st, 2013 - 10:40 am § in Misc.

PRESIDENT ROMNEY: Christmas Vacation Amidst a Family Feud

Playa del Secreto, MEXICO (TA News) — President Romney has begun his annual winter vacation in Mexico. The President (whose father was born in our southern neighbor), first lady Ann Romney and what Press Secretary Tagg Romney calls  “The HORDE OF Romney family”  landed in Playa del [...]

December 12th, 2013 - 12:53 pm § in Politics

President Romney: I am not afraid of Ann!

In an exchange caught on camera, former President Obama joked with Mr. Romney about the differences in their bad habits. Mr, Obama said he hadn’t smoked in years because he is  ‘Scared Of My Wife’  . The exchange was caught on camera and aired on CNN. After the President appeared[...]

November 28th, 2013 - 4:42 am § in Misc.

PRESIDENT ROMNEY: A humble son celebrates Thanksgiving

Shortly after his election last year,  one of President Romney’s five sons, Josh, his wife and their four children packed into a single bedroom at the Spanish-style Romney villa on Dunemere Drive here. One friend said the Romney family ordered their turkey dinner from Boston Market, the home-styl[...]

September 22nd, 2013 - 4:59 am § in America


In an informal meting with  the publisher of the Washington Post, Mr. Romney was asked how he felt about the decision of  Russian President Vladimir Putin to seek a 4th presidential term in 2018. Mr. Romney laughed and assured Mr. Bezos that this culd not happen here in America.  He said, “[...]

September 18th, 2013 - 4:57 am § in Misc.

PRESIDENT ROMNEY: Mr. Ryan says “I am NOT a Reprican”

Responding to Sarah Palin’s demand that Ryan join her campaign for a “real” election in 2016, the Vice President reiterated his loyalty to Mitt Romney: “I understand and admire Sarah’s devotion to democracy, she has every right to be disagree with the President’s [...]

September 14th, 2013 - 12:21 pm § in Hypocrisy

President Romney: Gramps #23

The First Lady made a humorous mistake today, welcoming her 23rd grandchild as her 22nd.  “Our 22nd grand child was officially adopted today: Kieran James Romney. cc: @AnnDRomney″ Mr. Romney corrected his wife: “Our Josh and Jen also had a new baby boy y[...]