Posts Tagged ‘history’

March 10th, 2016 - 1:22 pm § in Misc.

Book Review: Joachim Fest’s “Hitler”

History records no phenomenon like him. Ought we to call him “great”? No one evoked so much rejoicing, hysteria, and expectation of salvation as he; no one so much hate. No one else produced, in a solitary course lasting only a few years, such incredible accelerations in the pace of hist[...]

March 6th, 2016 - 3:36 am § in America, Jews, Religion

SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Why Bertrand Russell was wrong about atheism

I wish folks like Bertrand Russell would stop blaming all religion for the bad things about Christianity and Islam. Religions are a lot more divers than Americans seem to understand and, I suspect, no better and no worse than any of the other aspects of organized human behavior. What is bad is evang[...]

February 19th, 2016 - 10:06 am § in The Ave Scene

Two Writers Meet

Anthony Washington Very fortunate to meet Knute Berger at last night’s talk by Carver Gayton talking about his recent book on his great-grandfather, a fugitive slave who played a key role in the abolition movement and undergound railroad.  Knute is one of Seattle’s leading historian/w[...]

February 4th, 2016 - 11:24 am § in Israel/Palestine, Jews, Misc.

Chinazor: Doubting the Passover

Chinazor Onianwah If there is no evidence of Jewish presence in Egypt, how could the Passover have occurred? And if the parting of the Red Sea was fabricated by Emperor Constantine from the story of an Egyptian prince who lost a ring into the Nile River as he swam and asked his magician to part [&he[...]

January 30th, 2016 - 1:56 am § in Israel/Palestine, Misc.

Origins of Palestinians: “Some 1000 years later, the Philistines were long gone. “

The word “Palestine” actually refers to the Philistines .. a coastal people who , according to the books of Judges and Kings, opposed the development of the ancient state that was to become Judea and Israel. In the Bible, the Philistines are depicted as the ancient Israelites’ archene[...]

December 23rd, 2015 - 3:00 pm § in Misc.

Anthony Washington:Erasing History

Anthony Washington There was a day where I was helping a young Ethiopian kid with his world history. He was studying about Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, who annexed Ethiopia in 1936. That’s history, and I did not have an issue with that, but what I did find interesting is the book made no men[...]

November 22nd, 2015 - 11:30 am § in Misc.

Nov 22 … with Cruz

Read the full text[...]

November 20th, 2015 - 7:47 am § in Israel/Palestine, Misc.

What is the origin of the term “Palestine”

In Hebrew, Aramaic, and Arabic the words for “Philistines” is the word we now have fo Palestinians.   The wars between the Hebrews and the Philistines are documented in the books Christians call the Bible. For Jews, these books are not the word of God but our ancient history books. The[...]

June 28th, 2015 - 3:27 am § in Politics

Beginning of the end of the system … a century ago

One hundred and one years since Europe Exploded into its 20th century wars Looking back a century, we seem to be waiting for a single critical event  that will denote a change in the global system to begin  the woes of the century. Prior to World War I, the world had a system.  That system was [[...]

June 25th, 2015 - 8:02 am § in America


Conservative Justice Antonin Scalia is not happy about the Supreme Court’s decision to save President Obama’s signature healthcare law. In a fiery dissent Scalia lashed out at Chief Justice John Roberts for his key vote to save a provision of the Affordable Care Act that allowed the fede[...]