Posts Tagged ‘Family Feud’

December 21st, 2013 - 10:40 am § in Misc.

PRESIDENT ROMNEY: Christmas Vacation Amidst a Family Feud

Playa del Secreto, MEXICO (TA News) — President Romney has begun his annual winter vacation in Mexico. The President (whose father was born in our southern neighbor), first lady Ann Romney and what Press Secretary Tagg Romney calls  “The HORDE OF Romney family”  landed in Playa del [...]

December 20th, 2013 - 12:49 pm § in Misc.

Family Feuds; of North Koreans and Jews

Can Jewish History Say Anything About What is Happening in North Korea? parts of my essay originated from a wonderful essay posted in the Jerusalem Post by Berel Wein It is important to understand the horrible long term consequences such a contemporary fight can have.    The story of Joseph̵[...]

December 17th, 2013 - 8:45 pm § in Misc.

How White Men Count Coup, Part 2

The Swifts Find Wives A few days ago I related the odd story of Will and Tom Swift, twin brothers greatly divided by the effects of their father’s death.  Will became “The Great Avenger,” determined to kill as many Indians as he could in revenge for the death of father Swift at the hands of [[...]

December 17th, 2013 - 8:42 pm § in Misc.

A Song For Our Times

I dedicate this to Kim Jong Un and all the lesser uns unlucky enough not to be rulers for North Korea.[...]

December 15th, 2013 - 11:12 am § in Misc.

Family Feud: Kim Jong Un’s Aunt Appears Safe After Husband’s Execution

The Kim family saga continues: Apparently Young Un, my name for Kim Jong Un, has no plans to kill his aunt.   Kim Kyong Hui  has been named to an ad-hoc state committee with other top officials planning the state funeral committee for Kim Kuk Thae, a senior Party official who died Friday. So what[...]

December 9th, 2013 - 4:49 am § in Misc.

NORTH KOREA: Family Feuds Have Consequences

What The Kim Family’s Youngest Brother is Doing to Korea Yesterday THE Ave reported on the internecine family feud between the 30 year old “Dear Leader” and his family.  We wrote of the consequences of family feuds for others.  Recently Amnesty International reported on satellit[...]

December 8th, 2013 - 10:32 pm § in Uncategorized

North Korea: Family feud revises history

North Korea aired a doctored rerun of a TV  documentary on Saturday about its leader Kim Jong Un that disappeared the face of Kim’s uncle,  the recently disposed Jang Song Thaek.  The deposed general’s   face was invisible and entire scenes were re-edited to remove him. Makes me wond[...]

December 4th, 2013 - 2:56 am § in Misc.

North Korea: Family Feud

North Korea’s family feud turns nasty: Kim Jong Un accused of sacking his powerful uncle – and executing two aides[...]

November 4th, 2013 - 10:18 am § in Jews, Misc.

Buchenwald 4: Profiteering off of the Holocaust

While my family feud is  going on, an English newspaper, The Mail. reports that eBay has hosted sales of the clothes of concentration camp victims including the striped uniform thought to have belonged to a Polish baker who died in Auschwitz, which was on sale for £11,200. Within hours of being al[...]

October 30th, 2013 - 10:07 am § in Uncategorized

Buchenwald I: Segregation in Hell

I just returned from Brandeis where we discussed my Dad’s collection of WW II photographs.  He actually arrived in the camp as the commanding officer of a US Army medical group dispatched by Eisenhower to go wherever my father felt the need was greatest.  The Americans had come to the beech [...]