R. Albert Mohler, Jr., president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary — the flagship school of the Southern Baptist Convention and one of the largest seminaries in the world, reassures us that “In God We Trust” is safe . . . for now. “The United States Court of Appeals for the Ni[...]
Posts Tagged ‘creationism’
Will God Get Credit For Winning The Super Bowl?
Global Warning ….Listen to It!
from Steve Haushka UW News By Sandra Hines Listen to an Ice Berg Breaking Up At 76 miles long and 17 miles wide, the iceberg would have extended from Olympia all the way to Sedro-Woolley, had it been in the Puget Sound basin. Its actual location was near Antarctica’s Cape Adare where it was speedi[...]
Climate Denial
Thanks to Jefferson and the enlightenment, the American Revolution gave us a society that bans blasphemy laws. Is this is a good thing? Scientific truth .. whether that truth is based in particle physics or historical research, is different from the religious truths of the past or the doctrinaire tr[...]
Paul Nurse on Climategate and Scientists Speaking Out
from The Independent Sir Paul Nurse, t Nobelist and president of the Royal Society, Britain’s national academy of sciences, urged scientists to speak out against the media hype. … “This is far too important to be left to the polemicists and the commentators in the media. Scienti[...]
Knowledge NOT a Criterion in Faculty Searches?
The University of Kentucky has settled a lawsuit by a failed faculty applicant. The applicant, Martin Gaskell, for a position in Astronomy was turned down, supposedly because Dr. Gaskell is a professed Christian. Dr. Glaskell claims he is not a creationist and does accept the modern physical vie[...]
Update: Should Pope’s Blood Be Withdrawn as a Therapeutic?
When the Federal Drug Administration finds evidence that a treatment does not work, we expect the FDA to withdraw its approval. Should the Vatican meet the same standard? An earlier post at TA discussed the decision by a church in Poland to make some blood of John Paul II, the former Pope, into a ho[...]
SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Pope’s Blood Now a Relic
(Huff Post) WARSAW, Poland — A vial containing blood drawn from Pope John Paul II shortly before he died will be installed as a relic in a Polish church soon after his beatification later this year, an official said Monday. Ed. comment This might be more quaint and benign if we are NOT still recov[...]
Atheism: The end of the debate
An Essay by a Professor of Theology, Keith Parsons Over the past ten years I have published, in one venue or another, about twenty things on the philosophy of religion. I have a book on the subject, God and Burden of Proof, and another criticizing Christian apologetics, Why I am not a Christian. Dur[...]
Creationism vs the Pope
The Catholic Church no longer teaches creationism — the belief that God created the world in six days as described in the Bible — and says that the account in the book of Genesis is an allegory for the way God created the world. But it objects to using evolution to back an atheist philos[...]