The capitalist system demands that you work, come hell or high water. But “for a moment in early 2020, it seemed like we might get a break from capitalism,” a Vox article says (read it here). It continues, “A novel coronavirus was sweeping the globe, and leaders and experts recomme[...]
Search Results
Is American democracy doomed?
George Packer (bio here), son of Stanford professors and Yale graduate, and therefore unquestionably an erudite and bright guy, writes in The Atlantic (here): “A year after the insurrection, I’m trying to imagine the death of American democracy.” And make no mistake, it was an insurrec[...]
McConnell’s blueprint for America
Voters are disenchanted with Democrats right now. Inflation, still-high unemployment, Covid weariness, frustration with schools, and a host of other issues (not least, probably, getting their kids’ presents delivered before Christmas) are on their minds. It doesn’t matter how much of thi[...]
America’s power grid is unready for climate change
Expect power outages to happen more frequently. With Enron not around anymore taking electricity customers hostage, most outages are caused by weather events, which are becoming more frequent and extreme due to climate change. America’s power grid isn’t prepared for that. Weather takes o[...]
Lara Trump says high turkey prices are a liberal plot to destroy America
“Lara Trump admitted that her claim of a leftwing plot against Thanksgiving ‘might seem a little funny and a little ridiculous’.” — The Guardian (story here). Click on image below. Return to The-Ave.US Home Page[...]
71% of Americans say tax the rich
Biden wants to spend lots of money on social programs and pay for it by taxing the rich. A very big chunk of the American electorate loves that idea. A survey conducted October 8-12, 2021, found two-thirds of Americans support Biden’s $3.5 trillion package, which includes things like child ca[...]
Profile of a justice who doesn’t like the America we have
Today’s Supreme Court isn’t exactly a Trumper court — he appointed only 3 of the current justices — but it’s a more radical court, and increasingly out of step with a majority of the American people. One of those leading the rightward charge is Neil Gorsuch. Gorsuch (bi[...]
Map proves Vikings discovered North America by 1950s
If the famous Vinland Map (pictured below) is an actual Viking map, and that’s a big if, it proves that Vikings discovered North America no later than the mid-1950s. Acquired from an Italian dealer who went to prison for stealing rare manuscripts, and donated to Yale University by a wealthy ph[...]
Americans don’t understand the Taliban
Taliban leaders had a massive brawl after disagreeing over which of them did the most to boot the US out of Afghanistan, report says Two factions in the Taliban leadership fought each other late last week, the BBC said. They disagreed over who did the most to kick out the US, and who should get [&he[...]
Who would guess America’s worst police department is racially biased?
For some time now, I’ve nominated Aurora, Colorado, as the U.S. city having the worst police. Many factors contribute to awful policing, such as systemic racism, excessive force and gratuitous violence against (often innocent) citizens, frequent civil rights and constitutional rights violation[...]