McConnell’s blueprint for America

Voters are disenchanted with Democrats right now. Inflation, still-high unemployment, Covid weariness, frustration with schools, and a host of other issues (not least, probably, getting their kids’ presents delivered before Christmas) are on their minds. It doesn’t matter how much of this is actually the Democrats’ fault. People looking for someone to blame naturally blame whoever is in charge. So what’s the alternative? Republicans. And their plan is —

Read story here. As the midterm elections approach, keep in mind you get what you vote for. They probably do have a plan, but don’t want you to know what you’re voting for. Shouldn’t that make you suspicious?

Related article: It’s unfair to blame Biden and the Democrats for the pandemic not being over (read article here).

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  1. Mark Adams #

    The problem is the Democrats have not delivered on their promise of a return to normalcy in spite of holding the Senate, House and White House. The Democrats were given a blank slate depending on expectations based on what normalcy is. Normalcy is not continuous boosters, masks, high fuel prices, high housing prices. [Edited comment.]

  2. Roger Rabbit #

    What’s your evidence the GOP would do any better? And what will be the cost in more lost lives of their policy of “freedom” instead of public health?

  3. Roger Rabbit #

    Democrats didn’t cause these high gas prices. They’re a result of an abrupt increase in demand as the economy recovers, OPEC quotas, and lack of investment in production due to years of low oil prices. Even if Biden approved the Keystone XL pipeline, construction would take years, and that oil is destined for Asia anyway. You’re merely parroting a GOP talking point, and most people realize by now their talking points strongly tend to be fact-free. They’ll say anything they think might get traction, truth be damned. And you can be sure they’ll give Biden no credit for the recent 20% drop in oil prices, which will show up at gas pumps soon.