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April 6th, 2016 - 12:02 am § in Misc., Russia

Russian Racism, Sponsored by Coke

Based on a report by Mitchell Polman in The Daily Beast Americans might have a hard time recognizing racism as seen from the Russian POV.  The reporter for the Beast describes a segment devoted to the  “Texas separatist movement” with many tight shots of angry and downright nasty looking peop[...]

March 28th, 2016 - 9:09 am § in Jews, Misc.

BUCHENWALD 105: Is There Jewish Racism?

  I as a darker skinned Yemenite Jew living as a minority within our community in America. Eiron Taiz Mizrachi identifies as a Genderqueer, gay, person of color and is of Yemenite Jewish heritage .   (abstracted) Note:  Eiron’s blog at the Times of Israel  is hard to read, not the le[...]

March 15th, 2016 - 1:18 am § in Israel/Palestine, Jews, Misc.

A Young American Jew Kvetches About the Occupation.

American Jewish Millennials Aren’t Disengaged From Israel, We’re Angry Simone Zimmerman Feb 29, 2016  We’re Angry American Jewish Millennials Aren’t Disengaged From Israel.  We don’t need any more multi-million dollar ventures, like the ‘Jewish Peace Corps.’ T[...]

February 27th, 2016 - 8:19 am § in Misc.

Bernie… Endorsed by Reich!

I am endorsing Bernie Sanders for President of the United States. He’s leading a movement to reclaim America for the many, not the few. And such a political mobilization – a “political revolution,” as he puts it — is the only means by which we can get the nation back from t[...]

February 8th, 2016 - 11:13 am § in Misc.

Feminist Hypocrisy

The liberal webosphere is full of angst over Hillary.  Her supporters say we need to elect a woman!  I just heard Bill Clinton call her opponents out for sexism!  To be blunt, I do not think skin color, ethnic origin or choice of sex organ is much of a criterion for election d MY president. [&hel[...]

January 27th, 2016 - 3:37 pm § in Misc.


So?  How Do the GOP’s People of Color Feel About Refugees Coming Here from Cuba? Just a week after we reported that thousands of Cubamn refugees are crossing the Texas border     A Cuban-born N.J. mayor says that he is helping thousands of Cuban refugees come to America, and has used $2[...]

January 21st, 2016 - 1:26 pm § in Politics, The Ave Scene

BREAKING NEWS: Jayapal runs for McDermott’s Seat, Sawant out!

Jayapal to Announce She’s Running for Jim McDermott’s Seat Jayapal, 49, is a fascinating candidate:  She doesn’t live in McDermott’s district. She comes to politics from the corporate world, having worked on Wall Street. As an Indian and an immigrant, she is likely to identify with many of [...]

January 19th, 2016 - 11:40 am § in Misc.

Please call me “Honkey”

Stephen Schwartz The movies thus year were pretty bad overall.  I doubt that there was a movie with a Black star or director that stood out. Did you see one? Lisa McElroy I would hazard a guess that the reason (you were called) an idiot has nothing to do with whether or not there was a […][...]

December 5th, 2015 - 2:53 pm § in Politics

Science explains conservative voters

Any article on this subject naturally begins with the premise that Republican voters are stupid, but that’s not very informative in and of itself. For a more detailed explanation of what motivates people to, in essence, vote against themselves, various scientific studies have dug into the psyc[...]

November 16th, 2015 - 2:41 pm § in The Ave Scene

Seattle Apartheid: How things got this way

  Seattle, now the nations most segreagted (i.e. “white city) should undertand more about how things got this way … Combating Anti-Semitism at the Laurelhurst Beach Club By Anne Levine The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith (ADL) was established in 1913 to combat anti-Semiti[...]