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October 22nd, 2016 - 11:56 am § in Politics, The Ave Scene

The Jayapal Campaign Plays its “Trump Card.”

The Jayapal campaign  smells bad to me .. not very different from Trump’s complaining he is losing because the election is fixed. To adapt a quote from  Barack Obama “I’d invite Ms. Jayapal  to stop whining and go try to make her case to get votes.” On FACEBOOK, the Pramila Jayapal C[...]

October 15th, 2016 - 10:08 am § in The Ave Scene

Brady Walkinshaw: “The choice is between symbolism and pragmatism, national issues versus issues rooted in Seattle. “

Neither Sanders nor Jayapal is highlighting the visit as promoting votes for Hillary or, for that matter, Democrats in the critical races for control of Washington’s legislature or the Congress. Bernie Sanders is here  campaigning in a race between two progressives … one a strong supp[...]

August 4th, 2016 - 12:00 pm § in Misc.

Brady Walkinshaw Is Jayapal’s Opponent

Walkinshaw Pulls Ahead of McDermott in Primary Election Ballots Are still being counted but the dramatic shift of nearly 1000 votes  implies that late voters must have been very pro Brady.  The Ave predicts he will in the number two slot against Jayapal.  I endorsed Brady and am very excited abo[...]

July 28th, 2016 - 8:53 am § in Misc.

Endorsement: Brady Walkinshaw for Congress

This was not an easy choice. We have two top candidates for this  position, Pramila Jayapal and Brady Walkinshaw. They are both doctrinaire, effective  Seattle liberals .. as blue as the sky we sometimes see in June and as deep blue as those causes we heard so much about from the caste of Democ[...]

July 9th, 2016 - 10:47 am § in Misc.


I AM WOKE: WHY I AM FINALLY RAISING MY VOICE AGAINST JEWISH ERASURE IN THE ANTI-RACISM MOVEMENT Should the values of anti-oppression apply to Jews? By Carly Pildis I am blessed to live in an incredibly happy home. A home where we fry latkes, make jollof rice, and spend a lot of time laughing. I [&he[...]

July 1st, 2016 - 12:23 pm § in Misc.

THE-Ave Challenge

A. Chief of Cherokee Band, Tulsa Oklahoma B.  Symbol of the Washington Redskins football team. C. Zema Wlliams, “Chief Redman” in Mel Brooks upcoming remake of “Blazing Saddles” D. Sarah Palin’s companion in her “travel With Sarah Through America” TV Speci[...]

June 30th, 2016 - 10:33 am § in Misc.

Seattle’s Congressional Race: Is Carpet Bagging OK?

I may vote for Pramila Jayapal, BUT: Before deciding how to vote, I worry that Pramila is a carpetbagger. She does not live in District 7, my District.   Pramila’s District, District 9, has a diverse population of poor refugees.  These are  immigrants fleeing poverty and war in Asia, Lati[...]

June 28th, 2016 - 8:08 am § in Misc.

Racism:Flames in the Swimming Pool

As for who is causing trouble, I think the real issue may be the self conscious protesters on Facebook. This poster lit a minor flame on Facebook.  Some African Americans took offence because they saw the “uncool” label being applied only to the  kids’ color as brown or black in[...]

April 27th, 2016 - 1:07 am § in Misc.

Black Lives Matter: Guilt vs Responsibility

BLM totters on the edge of two bad things … white guilt and self pity. Guilt is a lousy replacement for responsibility. White guilt remains a source of racism not only among Southern red necks but among condescending whites, especially in communities like Seattle where the white majority has r[...]

April 22nd, 2016 - 2:55 am § in Jews, Misc.

Call me Honky

This began as a discussion with a Jewish friend, someone I respect greatly. I will call my friend Aaron. Aaron, of course is a pseudonym.  The words below the picture (of John Carridine as Aaron)  are an edited version of an email sent to me. Aaron is a socially committed and very learned Jew. He[...]