Please call me “Honkey”

A thread form FACEBOOK

A thread from FACEBOOK

Stephen Schwartz The movies thus year were pretty bad overall.  I doubt that there was a movie with a Black star or director that stood out. Did you see one?

Lisa McElroy I would hazard a guess that the reason (you were called) an idiot has nothing to do with whether or not there was a quality movie with a black actor or director. Rather, I would guess that his comment was directed at your use of the term “black racism”. You see, “racism” is currently defined as discrimination that has been codified into the predominant power structure in order to isolate and further disadvantage the recipients of the discrimination. Consequently, the term “black racism” is an oxymoron, as blacks are not viewed — certainly not by most whites (if they’re honest) and definitely not by most people of color — as being part of the power structure; thus, they are unable to codify any perceived discrimination against whites into a “power structure”. Further, you demonstrate your ignorance by even raising an issue of perceived “discrimination” against whites; I can’t know what you have experienced that has led you to conclude that whites have experienced or do experience any significant degree of racism in this country. What I do know is that the intermittent episodes of isolation that some whites may feel in certain social situations, or the sense of somehow being wronged because of the perception that another person or group of people received status or preferential treatment based on race or ethnicity — to class those as “discrimination” negates the true experiences of discrimination and racism that are sadly endemic to our culture. To feel singled out because you’re white just smacks of a resentment that results because you as a white male don’t receive the perks of the privileges that you see as your right.

Michael J. Hicks Lisa McElroy….Outstanding!!!

Lisa McElroy Michael J. Hicks — thank you. Just thought he needed to be straightened out a bit. Not that I expect he’ll listen…

Stephen Schwartz First, I am not “white.” Calling me that is itself racism.

Second, race … especially it use to categorize others .. is racism. The Spaniards invented race as in the idea that a drop of Jewish blood meant one could never be a true Christian. They were the first to use race to justify the Christianity of enslavement. After all, if Blacks and Reds were not people, then they were animals and could be treated that way.
Even today, the descendants of Jews in East Africa are treated as less than human.
Third, identifying and classifying people by skin color is just bad science. Maori, K’san, Dravidian, Amazonians, Brundians … are about as far apart genetically as humans can be. Try telling a Brahman fromTamil that she and a Congo pygmy are the same “race. ”

Look, the racism you refer to was created by bigots. Using their term does not make you noble.

Stephanie Jazzydiva Scott Lisa, I wanted to stand up and applaud your response!!!! Outstanding! I’m so sick of non blacks trying to equate or rationalize what we as blacks go through not only now but throughout history. The Oscars have ALWAYS been predominantly white and will always be. That it why whenever a black actor or movie get nominated or wins, it’s so “news worthy ” because it does not commonly occur!!!!

Stephen Schwartz What?? I said not a word about being Black. But being Black can never justify racism toward others.

Stephanie Jazzydiva Scott I’m done with you!

Stephen Schwartz Stephen Schwartz Your choice. I regret it.

Lisa McElroy So you mention “black racism”, then go on to argue that race is an artificial construct developed by Europeans in order to justify dehumanizing others on the basis of color. I agree with that assessment of the issue of race. But if this is your argument — that “race” is an artificial construct — then doesn’t that negate your first comment about black racism and white racism, as both the issue of color and that of “racism” itself would be based on this artificial construct?

However, more to the point is this: regardless of whether or not the concept of “race” is an artificial construct, it has been embedded in our society and used as a justification for dehumanizing (not to mention criminalizing) entire segments of our population based on their perceived “differentness” from the dominant white society. As such, whether the construct is artificial or not, it does not negate the fact that the construct is used to divide, conquer, and dehimanize.

Roy Horn Roy Horn Lisa, Dorian, Stephanie Jazzydiva Scott, do not waste your time or intellect answering questions nor responding to anything fromStephen Schwartz. He is one of the very worst types of bigots – one who feels called upon to straighten out the wayward thinking of people of color. He has the crass arrogance to act as thought as a white man, he must approve your thoughts before you can act upon them. Ignore this man. He is not worth the time – he brings nothing to the table – he is not intellectually deep enough to engage in a discuission with you.
Stephen Schwartz Stephen Schwartz Lisa McElroy I certainly  agree that race has been used that way. That is all the more reason I reject the idea. 

When someone says “whites” are racially evil the result is to perpetuate the idea that there is some indelible marker of race. That is wrong.
When a condescending white liberal beats his chest, that is NOT progress. White guilt may make the fellow feel better but as a societal theme it is the same old thing … racism.Look instead to Germany where racism has left a heritage of national responsibility for never allowing that to happen again. That is what I would like to see here. Today the minority of Germans who act as racists, who would deny another citizen her rights as a German … that crew of racists is despised. On the other hand, Germans rightly expect Jews and Turks and Syrians to also work themselves not to be racist.Germany is not perfect, but I feel ALL Americans should accept responsibility for OUR racism.

Sarah Elliott Sarah Elliott Stephen Schwartz yeah, you’re an ignorant white male who continues to make racist statements.

Sarah Elliott Roy Horn…is correct…this is a battle of wits that he is not qualified to fight…this old bigot is the face of “white male supremacy” and his words speak loudly of his ignorance…and his choice to remain that way. the only thing left of his “supremacy” is his skin color, because his spelling and word usage pales in the face of an 8th grader today!!!

Gina Owens  Gina Owens Roy Horn: Thank you for saying exactly what needed to be said. I was especially impressed when you said Stephen thinks he needs to approve our thoughts before we can act upon them. Imagining any human being thinking they have that kind of God-given right is just exhausting.
I can only hope that we can all have more intelligent conversation from here.

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