There is no DNA test to prove you’re Native American’ By Linda Geddes “People think there is a DNA test to prove you are Native American. There isn’t” DNA testing is changing how Native Americans think about tribal membership. Yet anthropologist Kim Tallbear… tells Linda Gedde[...]
Archive for April, 2016
Imagine Bernie running a national campaign this summer to take back the Congress!
MSNBC has a post suggesting that Trump’s unpopularity could put GOP House control in danger. THIS COULD HAPPEN, IF .. IF … Bernie decides that getting things done is more important than his sainthood.[...]
Call me Honky
This began as a discussion with a Jewish friend, someone I respect greatly. I will call my friend Aaron. Aaron, of course is a pseudonym. The words below the picture (of John Carridine as Aaron) are an edited version of an email sent to me. Aaron is a socially committed and very learned Jew. He[...]
Kol Nidre
Kol Nidre (Aramaic: כָּל נִדְרֵי) is an Aramaic declaration recited in the synagogue before the beginning of the evening service on every Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement. The song is a plea to be released from obligatins under Jewish law, obligations Jews in Spain could not meet under [...]
Remember when Hastert said child molesters should get life sentences?
But that’s not the tune his lawyers are singing now. Read the story here.[...]
Trump says put Tubman on $3 bill
Yet another GOP presidential candidate has gripes about replacing Indian-killer Andy Jackson on the $20 bill with anti-slavery hero Harriet Tubman. Trump said on NBC’s “Today Show” this morning, “Well, Andrew Jackson had a great history,* and I think it’s very rough** w[...]
Tea Party loses another high-stakes redistricting fight in SCOTUS
For the second time in a row, the Supreme Court has rebuffed efforts by Tea Party activists to redraw America’s election maps in favor of rural conservatives. First, let’s quickly review the SCOTUS redistricting jurisprudence of the last half century. In Baker v. Carr (1962), the Court [...]
What Happens When Seattle’s Black Neighborhood Becomes “Schwarzenfrei?”
The most ironic part of the protest against Uncle Ike’s MJ shop is the that the activists are Black but the Central D is now “schwartzenfrei” … that is free of the African Americans who once made this a vibrant center of Seattle culture. The complaints range from cha[...]