Trump says put Tubman on $3 bill

Yet another GOP presidential candidate has gripes about replacing Indian-killer Andy Jackson on the $20 bill with anti-slavery hero Harriet Tubman. Trump said on NBC’s “Today Show” this morning, “Well, Andrew Jackson had a great history,* and I think it’s very rough** when you take somebody off the bill.” He added, “I think Harriet Tubman is fantastic, but I would love to leave Andrew Jackson*** or see if we can maybe come up with another denomination.****”

* Many people dispute that.

** On who? Jackson doesn’t care. He’s dead.

*** Translation: he likes the Indian-killer better.

**** While Trump didn’t explicitly say so, he’s talking about the $3 bill, of course. The $1, $2, $5, $10, and $20 are already taken, so it can’t be one of those. You could argue $4, $6, $7, $8, $9, $11, etc. are still available, but we all know he’s referring to $3, which has a long association in the public mind with phonies and counterfeits. That’s unfair to Tubman.

imagesThere’s also another problem with the $3 bill. Although no $3 bill is currently in circulation, which is why I don’t have a picture of one (so I used the best available substitute instead), that one’s already taken too. The Treasury is keeping it in reserve in case Trump becomes president.


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