Posts Tagged ‘White Supremacy’

July 2nd, 2024 - 5:06 pm § in America, Christianity, Donald Trump, Law and Courts, Politics, Religion, Republicans

Supreme Court faces more backlash after immunity ruling

The Supreme Court is now a political issue, and its rightwing justices asked for it. The two most conservative members, Thomas and Alito, are embroiled in scandals involving undisclosed gifts from wealthy benefactors, in Thomas’s case millions of dollars. Alito is also under fire for flying MA[...]

June 9th, 2023 - 2:12 am § in America, Biden, Christianity, Democrats, Donald Trump, Law and Courts, Politics, Religion, Republicans

Republicans are outraged Trump is indicted for breaking the law

Trump’s MAGA movement caught many Americans by surprise. They’ve never seen anything like it before. This is the first time anyone has tried to overthrow our democracy. To outsiders, Trump looks like a pied piper leading a crowd of zombies into a never-never land of lies, fantasies, and [...]

December 6th, 2021 - 8:38 pm § in Politics, Racism

Clown parade (video)

“Patriot Front, a group widely considered to be White nationalists, marched at the National Mall in Washington, DC, wearing white masks and carrying plastic shields. CNN’s Laura Jarrett and John Avlon react to the scene.” — CNN, December 6, 2021 Return to The-Ave.US Home Page[...]

June 28th, 2020 - 10:41 pm § in America, Racism

“Our history was stolen from us”

An ACLU lawyer explains the rationale for getting rid of Confederate monuments.[...]

May 27th, 2017 - 9:18 am § in Misc.

White supremacist kills 2 on Portland train for protecting Muslim women

Photo: Would you want your daughter dating this guy? If so, your parenting skills may not be up to snuff. MURDER IN THE NAME OF THE WHITE RACE In Portland, Oregon, a known white supremacist with a prison record for violent crimes that include kidnapping and armed robbery and a fondness for giving Hi[...]

February 11th, 2017 - 1:44 am § in Jews, Misc.

Four months after the Colonies received 100 White children as slaves, the first shipment of Black slaves arrived.

American slavery has a unique flavor, the flavor of race, the idea that African humans were a different race, a lesser race that could be owned like cattle.  But Whites were also treated as slaves, under another name. (Based on an essay at  Parts of this text are from that essay.) T[...]

November 7th, 2016 - 4:21 pm § in Misc.


Racism: The Despair of Poor White Americans The liberal obsession with “people of color” is deeply wrong. Clay-eaters. Hillbillies, Dust Bowl families, coal miners, loggers … these folks live in poverty as ingrained as anything in inner city Chicago or the Mississippi outback. Thes[...]

October 27th, 2016 - 2:50 pm § in America, Hypocrisy, Politics, The Ave Scene

How many Black athletes would kneel for the game?

Im sorry, but not standing for the Star Bangled Banner is something kids do at high school assemblies to protest injustice they learn about in their social studies classes.  While I do applaud and admire Colin Kapernick, San Francisco 49ers Quarterback, who has taking a stance against “the op[...]

September 23rd, 2015 - 8:45 pm § in Misc.

Where White Lives Matter

In the hope of helping Africa’s Albinos,Pope Francis has launched the Help African Albinos campaign (#HelpAfricanAlbinosCampaign). Maybe  “BLACK lives matter” in the US but in Africa lack of skin pigment puts “white” Africans at risk.  Albinism is caused by a lack of pig[...]