I think this is something we really need to worry about. . From an article in today’s New York Times: Michael Tini, 54, … a card dealer in Atlantic City, taps his head, (and says) “Look, I understand that teachers are the brains of the operation, O.K.? But my hours are cut, and my [...]
Posts Tagged ‘tea party’
Historians Find Myriad Errors In Virginia History Textbooks
Among The Errors … That Many African-Americans Fought For The South During The Civil War … That The Confederacy Included 12 States … & That The U.S. Entered WWI In 1916 Why is this NOT surprising? Liberal and Conservatives all see t believe that their beliefs can be legislate[...]
Of Tea Parties, Pot, and Lysenko
Original date: 12 Dec 2010, updates Jan 23, 2011 Ain’t democracy wunnaful? In older systems, the king or dictator could rule his reality into truth. The Popes ruled the solar system into a geo centric orbit. Canute ruled the tides not to come in. Stalin ruled DNA out and dialectical materialis[...]
Can governments legislate truth?
What happens when the government tries to legislate truth? I find the debate over medical marijuana very disturbing to my belief that our society can be a society of laws. The problem, as I see it, is that the laws prohibiting use of marijuana are not based on facts. That law claims that MJ is [&hel[...]
Glenn Beck’s Profanity
As a very patriotic American I take personal offense at the rally Glen Beck is leading this Saturday at a truly hallowed place, the Lincoln Memorial. Worse, this is the anniversary of the I have a Dream Speech. SHAME, SHAME, SHAME A petition to express outrage. Is this where America is going?[...]
May God Protect Science from the Radical Religous Right
How is this for a scary story? Imagine that the same radical religious right that sponsors the Tea Party and Glenn Beck decided to fund a scientific research company, for profit, to develop drugs that fit the right’s ethical agenda? That company exists, and it exists here in Seattle, an outgro[...]
The Other Football.
BECK: I don’t get the baseball thing, but the soccer thing, I hate it so much — probably because the rest of the world likes it so much, and they riot over it, and they continually try to jam it down our throat.”[...]