Posts Tagged ‘tea party’

January 14th, 2011 - 9:56 am § in Uncategorized

Rhetoric Continues

Sarah Palin will speak on gun rights at the   Safari Club International’s convention later this month in Reno, Nev. Rush Limbaugh on Obama’s “It was smart, it was articulate, it was oratorical. It was, it was all the things the educated, ruling class wants their members to be and sou[...]

January 12th, 2011 - 2:34 pm § in Politics

Hate Rhetoric: More from Sarah Palin

Shame on you!  Shame, shame, shame … Sarah Palin has finally spoken out about the massacre of others and attempted assassination of  of a Jewish Congres woman: She has chosen the WORST possible response: After this shocking tragedy, I listened at first puzzled, then with concern, and now wit[...]

January 12th, 2011 - 12:28 am § in Misc., UW

Where Does This Leave UW biz school??????????

According to a forthcoming paper written by Northwestern assistant professor Lauren Rivera, recruiters at top law firms, consulting agencies and investment banks are interested only in students who attended Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford and the Wharton School Business at the University of Penns[...]

January 12th, 2011 - 12:01 am § in Politics

Free speech: it’s good business

Usually Michael Hood at Blatherwatch writes about radio  in Seattle, with an emphasis on talk radio.  Today,  Michael (clicking on Rush  will being you to Michael’s blog)  writes about the shameful way the talkers on hate radio are behaving. I have copied his text whole here because he do[...]

January 10th, 2011 - 11:02 pm § in Politics, Religion

More on Hate Rhetoric from Berkely Blog

Listening to the carrion worms of Fox tonight and to liberals insisting on balance  …… Among the evasions of the Fox right, has been the claim that their rhetoric had nothing to do with the Arizona massacre.  They claim to be fair and balanced.  Yet, somehow, the violence we have seen[...]

January 10th, 2011 - 12:37 pm § in America, Politics

Hate Rhetoric Moves On.

David Brock, former  right-wing ring-leader of the anti-Clinton movement, writes of the oncoming torrent of right wing hate speech.  See full article at The Daily Beast: …..I’m struck by how little we have learned from the political traumas of the 90s. The anti-Clinton craziness had nothin[...]

January 9th, 2011 - 9:14 am § in Uncategorized

Hate Rhetoric of the Right

I recommend this video. As expected, the Foxies try to paint this as the result of ALL political rhetoric. Jesse Kelly, a tea party-backed Republican and Gifford’s opponent last election, held one event duing that said “Get on Target for Victory in November Help remove Gabrielle Giffords[...]

January 8th, 2011 - 11:32 pm § in America, Politics

The Proper Use Of Ideology In Politics And Public Discourse

“Ideology” has become a dirty word in our lexicon, made disreputable by the likes of Hitler, Stalin, and lesser (but still odious) practitioners of various “isms”. Closer to home, ideology now so distorts America’s domestic political discourse, not to mention policyma[...]

January 8th, 2011 - 6:11 pm § in America

Alan Grayson on the Shootings in Arizona

We are all going to hear excuses for what just happened.  The right will avoid any sott of self criticism, Glenn Beck will somehow find a way to blame this on Obama.  The left, at least most of it, will try to appear rational by not  using the word bigot to describe any of the […][...]

January 4th, 2011 - 7:56 am § in America, Politics

Francis Fukyama: How Reagan Destroyed Capitalism

Fukyama, Reagan’s ideological theorist and author of “The End of History,”  is now writing that Reaganomics destroyed the balance between  individual ambition and liberal democracy needed to make a free market work. In essence he says that the USA is no longer at the end of histo[...]