FDA Warns Consumers Not to Eat Raw Oysters Harvested from Hood Canal Area 4 in Washington State OYSTERS Hood Canal and Samish Bay reopen October 1 for oyster harvest All areas are open with no restrictions for Vibrio bacteria[...]
Posts Tagged ‘tea party’
BREAKING NEWS: McKenna uses his office to campaign for Governor.
Foster Pepper, the law firm that is working for the Okanogan utility, is holding a fundraiser for McKenna Thursday. Meantime, Peter Goldmark, the Lands Commissioner has been fighting McKenna in court to force our Attorney General to represent the State vs. the utility. read more at PUBLICOLA. Mc[...]
POLITICS: The Harvard Prof Surges Against the Tea Party Favorite
I am a big fan of the idea that university faculty can and should be politically active. One reason I voted for President Obama was his impressive academic record. Less than a week ago. Harvard Law Profesor Elizabeth Warren launched her campaign for the democratic nomination for U.S. Senate in[...]
ACADEME: Note to Rick Perry: The US National Academy is Full of Liberals!
Turkish Academy of Sciences to Lose Its Independence The decree, issued on 27th August, which was just after the start of a nine-day holiday in Turkey, says that one-third of the members of the academy will now be appointed by the government and a further one-third by the Council of Higher Education[...]
Will the UW lose its role in global higher education?
Even a Century After the Fall of the British Empire, Oxford and Cambridge Retain Their Roles As Global Leaders in Higher Education …. The UW has that role today as one of America’s great “private ivies.” Will we retain our stature? (Based in part of report by CHRISTINE A[...]
Bastiat proposed to the King of France that he “forbid all loyal subjects to use their right hands.”
If manufacturing job losses are a “problem” due to technology and productivity gains, an effective “solution” would be to forbid all American workers from using their right hands. By adopting Bastiat’s proposal, we could immediately stop the “cratering” of[...]
An Indictment of the Repricans
What is a Reprican? Sorry, but I made up this word. I needed a new word for the Republicans. I consider myself a follower of Jefferson. He created the “Republican Party.” I needed a word to refer to what has become of the Republican party. I needed a term that combined “REP[...]
Attacking the Right
”CONSERVATIVE” GROUP HAS REF– USED TO TOUCH ELIGIBILITY ISSUE August 20, 2011 Dr. Feulner The Heritage Foundation 214 Massachusetts Ave Washington, DC 20002 Dr. Edwin Feulner, Yes, I have let my membership lapse. You continue to send request after request for me to reinstate my membe[...]
What have we learned about religion post-9/11? By Elizabeth Tenety WASHINGTON POST. 2011 (excerpted) On Faith reached out to some of the world’s most influential religious leaders and thinkers to ask about faith in a post-attack world. Below are excerpts from our expert roundtable. Click through[...]
Romney’s Loss in Florida.
Herman Cain Wins Florida Straw Poll Ahead Of 2012 (VIDEO) This year’s race to be the nominee of the Republican Party seems more like a Hollywood movie than reality. Imagine the casting calls! Hermann Cain, a very successful business man and a black guy , won the straw poll in Fla! Is Cain [...]