Posts Tagged ‘tea party’

October 22nd, 2011 - 5:23 am § in Politics, Schools & Colleges

The Foundering Fathers vs Public Education

Mike Lee, Utah’s new Tea-Party Senator, tells us  that: “…Congress has no business regulating our nation’s public education system, and has created problems whenever it has attempted to do so.” Senator Lee … not sure where your founding fathers did their founderi[...]

October 21st, 2011 - 10:05 pm § in America

What to call the Wall Street Protesters?

The Fauxies seem to be having trouble coming up with an epithet as bad sounding as the “Tea Bagger” epthet that now seems stuck on the radical right movement. Terms like commie, pinko, fellow traveler seem dated in this post evil empire world. So, I have been giving this some thought an[...]

October 18th, 2011 - 9:04 am § in America, Politics, Schools & Colleges

How to Reach a Republican

from The American Digest From The American Digest:  Dubya and Me – Walt Harrington As [Bush] talked, I even thought about an old Saturday Night Live skit in which an amiable, bumbling President Ronald Reagan, played by Phil Hartman, goes behind closed doors to suddenly become a masterful oper[...]

October 16th, 2011 - 2:06 am § in America

Romney Fails The Test

Click image for audio on Huff Post.[...]

October 15th, 2011 - 8:32 am § in America, Hypocrisy, Politics

BREAKING NEWS: Should you shop at Home Depot?

There are signs that Romney’s campaign is in serious trouble.   While he is raising money at a good pace, as the single moderate running for the GOP, Mitt Romney is getting very few small donations. Last quarter, Romney had  55,000 individual donors.  By contrast Ron Paul has  100,000 [...]

October 13th, 2011 - 9:31 am § in Politics, Schools & Colleges


Florida Governor Rick Scott Takes Aim at Tenure  Lisa Roney from Academe Blog I am a tenured associate professor at one of the largest (though, let me emphasize, not one of the highest ranked) public universities in the U.S. How can I explain why it is that this often makes me want to cry? Don’t[...]

October 11th, 2011 - 1:00 pm § in Schools & Colleges, Science

BREAKING NEWS: The Reprican Luddite Agenda

Governor Says Florida Has Enough Anthropologists, Calls for Spending on Job-Producing Fields Gov. Rick Scott of Florida is laying out an aenda that seemingly is widely shared among the Reprobate Republicans .. the Repricans. “You know, we don’t need a lot more anthropologists in the stat[...]

October 11th, 2011 - 7:41 am § in America, Hypocrisy, Science

Berkeley Blog: Is Chris Christie a Rational Reprican?

Dan Farber, professor of law | 10/3/11 There’s a lot of buzz about New Jersey Governor Chris Christie as a possible GOP presidential candidate.  As with the other candidates in the race, it seemed like a good idea to check into his positions on environmental issues. The first thing that becomes c[...]

October 5th, 2011 - 10:28 pm § in Hypocrisy, Politics

BREAKING NEWS: Hugo Chavez seeks recognition as being insane.

Hugo Chavez sends solidarity to Gaddafi, Syria CARACAS, Oct 1 (Reuters) – Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez said on Saturday he was praying for Libya’s deposed leader Muammar Gaddafi and also sent a message of solidarity to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad against “YankeeR[...]

October 5th, 2011 - 10:14 am § in America

A Declaration to Restore the Constitutional Republic

NATIONAL CALL FOR UNITED ACTION “An undisclosed number of American Veterans and former service members have come together to prepare and present this Call-to-Action on behalf of the U.S. Constitution, the Republic, the Rule of Law and equal justice for all freedom loving citizens of the United[...]