What to call the Wall Street Protesters?

The Fauxies seem to be having trouble coming up with an epithet as bad sounding as the “Tea Bagger” epthet that now seems stuck on the radical right movement.

Terms like commie, pinko, fellow traveler seem dated in this post evil empire world.

So, I have been giving this some thought and have an idea.

The Occupy Wall Street crowd is adopting “OWL” as an acronym.  Fox should encourage this.  Just like the Tea Party adopted the snake symbol! 

But OWLs are associated with the pagan Deity Athena!  And Athena is the Goddess of Greece . We all know what Greece is up to these days!

So the protesters ought to be called Owls!  A name worthy of a bunch of  pagan hellenophiles!

Of course as a scientist, I am very aware that owls do not treas on snakes, they EAT snakes!

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