Want Stronger Fight Against Obama On Gay Marriage Evangelicals are urging Republicans to emphasize gay marriage and the president’s newfound support for marriage equality as an election issue. But so far, the GOP establishment is resisting. [...]
Posts Tagged ‘tea party’
SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Should a GOP delegate, stay at Hotel Nigger?
SeattleJew will be attending the Republican State Convention Thu, May 31, 12am – Sat, June 2, 12am. I am going as part of the now defunct Santorum delegation. Looking for a hotel, I noted that one of the convention hotels is the Hotel Murano. I wonder if the Republican leaders are aware that[...]
BREAKING NEWS: Another Tea Party Assassination
Democrats: Conflict at the top?
Washington – Rumors have been swirling around that Wasserman Schultz was not in President Obama’s top tier of candidates to sit at the helm of the Democratic National Committee. A source within the Democratic Party who is a close associate of Wasserman Schultz has told the Shark Tank the det[...]
Super PACS rescue establishment Republican minions for unruly tea partiers.
Republican Establishment Tries To Tamp Down Tea Party Insurgency … So Mitt and friends bought themselves the Republican nomination.. Restore Our Future spent more attacking Santorum and Gingrich, than those two candidates together spent on their entire campaigns through the end of February. [...]
The AVE CHALLENGE: Racism and Photography of George Zimmerman
One of the things I dislike most about the USA is the belief that we can assign “race” by appearance. Believe it or not, the guys in the three pictures to the left are all George Zimmerman! Worse, he is widely assumed to be “white.” So, here is the challenge … who i[...]
Emails I Get About Dennis Kucinich
Friends, Dennis has repeatedly said he would not run against another Democrat – even a conservative Democrat. I have had lots of people emailing me saying Dennis should run against all three of our incumbent Democrats here in Western Washington. In my opinion, he would never do that. The only [...]
REPUBLICANS: Condi vs. Hillary, A Gender Based Veep Race?
The Washington Times, the newspaper established by Rev. Moon to build his credentials with the Repubican Party, is pushing Condi Rice as Romney’s running mate. Their wierd idea is that she would provide balance and attract moderate women. I guess the idea is utterly abandon the Jesus Party and[...]
Tea party a la France
Far right hits historic heights Far-right National Front candidate Marine Le Pen obtained a surprising 18% of the vote in the first-round of France’s presidential election Sunday night. But who will those votes go to in the second round? By Sarah LEDUC (from France 24) Having secured nearly one in[...]