Senator Mark Kirk‘s statements denying climate change were not only confusing, but also historically and scientifically inaccurate. We were glad to se…e him come out and clarify his views on climate change today, but we want him to take the next step. It’s time for Senator Kirk to [...]
Posts Tagged ‘tea party’
Strompettes: He is just a man in a man’s world.
Radical Republicans: How The Repugnant Party Started
Lee Atwater Schooled Repubs on How to Win With Ignorant Southern Racists Where did today’s off-their rockers Republicans get their start? How did the party of Taft, Hoover, Dewey and Eisenhower become obsessed with race and communism? Former Republican campaign consultant Lee Atwater exp[...]
GOP Guy Splains Politics to Republicans
Rick WilsonFollow GOP Media Guy, Dad, Pilot, Hunter, Amateur Epistemologist, Cognitive Engineer, Cutter of Brush.Tweets mine, not my clients’ obvs. DMs off-record. #TeamWilson (from: Medium) Dear Reince: The image below posted was posted yesterday by Donald Trump. You’ve heard about it by [...]
Climate Denial
Calls for Media to Accurately Label Climate Deniers Growing Louder The public debate over how to address climate change has been hindered in no small part by the media’s refusal to properly identify climate deniers, according to an open letter penned by fellows of the Committee for Skeptica[...]
Mike Pense on Creationism
Mike Pence Wants Creationism Taught In Public Schools Pence rejects evolution, claims creationism is the only rational explanation. PATHEOS.COM|BY PROGRESSIVE SECULAR HUMANIST EXAMINER[...]
What a Trumpy Looks LIke
Cecil Ryan FACEBOOK I have to testify. Although it could be possible to disassociate yourself….I guess. I must say in my mind it is very hard/ no, no let’s not kid ourselves. You can’t be Christian and Democrat;. To be a Democrat you have to sign off on their platform. Yo u have t[...]
DEBATE 2: Trump attempts to paint Hillary as “the devil.”
THE PREDATE PEEP SHOW: For ninety minutes before the debate began Trump hosted a news conference with four women, all of whom he claimed had been mistreated by president Bill Clinton. In effect, Mr. T was accusing Mrs. C of being Bill’s pimp. Mr. T even tried to blame Mrs. Clinton “Hillar[...]