Now that Nick Rolovich has been elevated to anti-vax martyrdom, he’s a natural to run for political office. No government experience, civics training, or public administration background is required. The fact he’s lived in Washington for only a little over a year, and knows almost nothin[...]
Posts Tagged ‘Socialism’
The question is can China and America avert turning into plutocracies?
The alternative to rule by the wealthy Despite the ignorance of Trumpies who equate socialism with the oligarchies of Stalin and Mao or the ignorance of lefties who think money can just be distributed democratically, we have known since the 19th century and Marx, that the good life of a society [...]
Being Unemployed While Academic in Sweden
Things are different in Sweden but even with good unemployment benefits and i a union to help employment its better if you belong to an a-kassa? A-kassa is voluntary unemployment insurance. Probably not. If pay that monthly fee for the security it gives you, here is what a Swediah a-kassa (an u[...]
Castro on Tobacco
Fidel Castro: My Life: A Spoken Autobiography “Well, everyone knows that historically we’ve been a tobacco producer for over 500 years; it was a product native to this island, cultivated and consumed here when Columbus arrived and ‘discovered’ us, and our tobacco. We can’t give it up[...]
France: Moderate vs Communist vs Fascist
With one week to go, the French election pits the two extremes of the 20th century .. a communist and a fascistg ..against a moderate. gainst all odds. A communist soars in French election polls With less than two weeks before France’s presidential election, the meteoric and unexpected rise of[...]
Republicans Need to Move to Denmark!
Knut Robert Knutsen : What is “Democratic Socialism”
Knut Robert Knutsen a Norwegian, posts on Facebook: Equal wealth really isn’t a part of Democratic Socialism (or Social Democrats in the Nordic Model) either, that’s the cartoon version of communism carried over. A basic safety net and equal opportunity is key and a lot of “welfa[...]
FRANCIS JACOBSON: Education Is Not Free
FRANCIS JACOBSON There is an idea floating around about free college education. I don’t favor this. I favor a German style segregation of students, but since American parents see their children as a refection on them I don’t see this happening. I say this based on personal experience. I [...]