Posts Tagged ‘SMS family’
Sixth Night of Hanukkah: PICASSO PIECES
From CNET: Cards Against Humanity, a game company based out of Chicago, sent out a mailing to its customer. The “Jew Pack” of cards included this card bearing Picasso’s artwork. The back of the card says in bold letters, “Today, you are all going to be part of a soc[...]
The NFL Begins: Is Your TV Big Enough?
Jason Gay at the Wall Street Journal writes about the NFL and large screen TVs ….” May we interrupt the non-stop coverage of beach badminton, speed chess and robotic bullfrog racing in this space to bring attention to a niche but deserving sport in America: Professional tackle football[...]
“Funny you do not look Jewish?”
Is There a Jewish Race? Dear Aaron, So much of what I read today is about a racial divide. My problem is I do not understand how there can be a racial divide without someone telling me how to define “race.” So am I, a “Jew,” part of a Jewish “race?” Can I[...]
SUNDAY REVELATIONS: Purim .. American Jewish Style
WHAT THE HECK IS PURIM? Go to a synagogue today and (if you are goyishe) you will think its a mx of Halloween and Mardi Gras .. kids trying to get candy from the rabbi,* lots of noise, adults dressed in stupefying costumes. Purim officially celebrates the triumph of Queen Esther who became the lover[...]
As Passover Nears its end, The Hyksos in Israel
The story of the Exodus is currently unpopular amongst scholars because, supposedly, of the lack of evidence of the event in Egyptian writings. In my opinion the scholars are sharing the antisemitism of writings of Manetho, alter time Egyptian priest who demeaned the Semitic rulers of Egypt, the H[...]