Posts Tagged ‘Racism’

June 10th, 2015 - 6:08 pm § in Uncategorized

Jon Stewart’s McKinney pool skit — it’s a crackup!


June 10th, 2015 - 5:35 pm § in Uncategorized

Residents of McKinney, Texas: Racists? Who? Us?

Yeah, you, the white citizens of McKinney, Texas, are a pack of racists. What you did to your neighbor’s Obama yard sign back in 2012 proves it. (Click here for story)[...]

June 9th, 2015 - 9:24 am § in Uncategorized

Citizens arrest

The police, prosecutor, and judges are distrusted by Cleveland’s citizenry perhaps more than almost anywhere else in the U.S. The investigation of the killing of 12-year-old Tamir Rice by a trigger-happy cop dragged out for months. Now, the prosecutor says he’s going to hand over the cas[...]

June 8th, 2015 - 3:58 pm § in Uncategorized

Another racist cop attack

Sometimes I get the feeling cops look for excuses to attack black people.[...]

June 8th, 2015 - 9:49 am § in Uncategorized

Update: Killer cop indicted

A South Carolina cop caught on video shooting a black man in the back, and then planting his taser on the body to make it look like the victim tried to grab a weapon, has been indicted by a grand jury for murder. South Carolina, which flaunts its Confederate heritage, ironically has taken the lead [[...]

June 5th, 2015 - 6:27 pm § in Uncategorized

A killer cop is convicted

LAPD Officer Mary O’Callaghan, who kicked Alesia Thomas to death in the back seat of a patrol car, was convicted of “assault under color of authority” by a Los Angeles jury today. “A dashboard camera in a police cruiser captured O’Callaghan kicking the handcuffed Thomas[...]

June 3rd, 2015 - 12:36 pm § in Uncategorized

Prosecutor gets Tamir Rice case

“The Cuyahoga County Sheriff’s Office in Ohio handed its investigation into the shooting death of 12-year-old Tamir Rice to prosecutors on Wednesday,” CNN reported today. No word on whether the cop who shot Rice has finally been interviewed; the sheriff’s terse announced simp[...]

June 3rd, 2015 - 9:34 am § in America, Religion, The Ave Scene

Why I am not praising Caitlin

Caitlin, formerly known as Bruce Jenner has become the face of the Trans Gender community, despite the fact that Jenner’s reality does not reflect the majority of Trans Gender people’s reality. All I have heard about Jenner’s Vanity Fair cover shot is how “beautiful” so[...]

June 3rd, 2015 - 7:10 am § in America, Politics, Schools & Colleges, The Ave Scene, UW

A Letter to the UW Faculty About Sawant

Faculty tend to avoid demagogues, an avoidance that McCarthy, Hitler, Huey Long, and the Tea Party have shown is very risky.   Now Kshama Sawant is running a very well funded campaign for reelection to the Seattle City Council from our neighborhood, District 3.   My wife and I voted for Kshama i[...]

June 2nd, 2015 - 8:35 am § in Uncategorized

Facts about police shootings

Journalists at the Washington Post and Guardian have recently conducted extensive studies of police shootings in the United States. The story is reported by Mother Jones here. A summary of their findings: 1. Police killed twice as many suspects as FBI figures indicated — about 2.5 per day on a[...]