Facts about police shootings

downloadJournalists at the Washington Post and Guardian have recently conducted extensive studies of police shootings in the United States. The story is reported by Mother Jones here. A summary of their findings:

1. Police killed twice as many suspects as FBI figures indicated — about 2.5 per day on average.

2. The majority were armed with guns, knives, or other “lethal objects.”

3. Fewer than 1% of the cops were criminally charged.

4. Cops were more likely to kill racial minorities.

5. A one-fourth of the victims were mentally ill.

6. Nearly 99% were male.

7. A majority were between ages 25 and 44.

8. About 6% were killed by tasers.

9. A handful of police departments — fewer than 2% — accounted for nearly all of the country’s police killings.

10. About 1 of every 13 gun deaths in the U.S. results from people being shot by cops.

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