Eric Garner’s Daughter Lays Wreath on Memorial for Slain NY Officers Emerald Garner said that she was moved after reading 13-year-old Jaden Ramos’ Facebook expressing grief over the loss of his father.|By Stephen A. Crockett Jr.[...]
Posts Tagged ‘mitzvah’
Another Mitzvah in the spirit of Christmas
This is a wonderful mitzvah Naomi Feil, a Jewish woman, singing Christian hymns for a woman with Alzheimers. Gladys. Gladys is unable to speak and must have very fragmented memories but her religion remains core Gladys identity. . When Naomi sings about Jesus and embraces Gladys the two [...]
A Mitzvah in The Spirit of Christmas
Geov’s birthday wish (from his blog) Today I turn 55! These round-numbered birthdays don’t come around very often, and I’m never sure whether I’m going to get another one. A lot has changed since my last one five years ago, when some dear friends used the occasion to organize a roast tha[...]
Should Justice Breyer have to “come out?”
Recently, Justice Stephen Breyer seemed to mention that he has no religious affiliation. Breyer. like most Jewish people grew up in a Jewish household that did not observe the faith strictly. His daughter, Chloe Breyer, is an Episcopal priest. Judaism itself, unlike Islam and Christianity ha[...]
What Buddhism Teaches About Mitzvot
Ed. Central to Judaism is the idea of “mitzvah.” Mitzvah is one of those words that do not translate well. It can mean law, good deed, and religious obligation all at the same time. Moreover, in Judaism, the mitzvot (plural) are themselves eternal, not so much mandated by God, but like G[...]
Buchenwald I: Segregation in Hell
I just returned from Brandeis where we discussed my Dad’s collection of WW II photographs. He actually arrived in the camp as the commanding officer of a US Army medical group dispatched by Eisenhower to go wherever my father felt the need was greatest. The Americans had come to the beech [...]
A Message from Einstein For My Brother:
Are you a Jew? Hugh, You wrote a pretty nasty email about Jewish atheists. You were especially mean spirited by attacking my role when Havi and Hillel, my own children, were first called to read the Jewish law, the Torah,. Your daughter will, as I understand, do the same thing next month.�[...]
Last year I visited this same place. I was in Ann Arbor to celebrate a bat mitzvah but spent as much free time as coud “seeing Detroit.” In the past, the death of an American city have beem translated into iconic works by Capa, Smith, Frank, or their modern equivalents working for [...]
A Japanese Review of a Jewish Movie
from The Japan Time By KAORI SHOJI If you thought being Japanese is hard work, try the Jewish life for a taste of something gut-wrenching — or so implies “A Serious Man,” created by brothers Joel and Ethan Coen. A Serious Man Rating: (4 out of 5) Glutton for punishment: Michael Stuhlba[...]
Bernie Sanders … “Being Jewish is so much of what I am.”
Having a President who did not claim to base her or his decisions on Christian bible would be a great thrill for me. For the record, I am a supporter of Bernie. I am excited by his efforts to recreate the Democratic Party as a local movement. Without that kind of revolution, the Dems have no[...]