Another Mitzvah in the spirit of Christmas


CLICK to see the video.                                                     Naomi Feil was born in Munich in 1932, and grew up in the Montefiore Home for the Aged in Cleveland Ohio, where her father was the administrator and her mother, the head of the Social Service Department.  Between 1963 and 1980 Mrs. Feil developed a method called “Validation” for working with the severely disoriented old-old people. 

 This is a wonderful mitzvah  Naomi Feil, a Jewish woman, singing  Christian hymns for a woman with Alzheimers.  Gladys.  Gladys is unable to speak and must have very fragmented memories but her religion remains core Gladys identity. . When Naomi  sings about Jesus and embraces Gladys the two experience the greatest gift, a shared mitzvah.

This is a wonderful example of a mitzvah. a seed done because it is the right thing to do, no reward jut the understanding of the simplest human commandment .. be good.



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