Posts Tagged ‘microsoft’

February 8th, 2016 - 11:26 pm § in Misc.

A Scam .. What is “Microsoft ?”

MICROSOFT ASSURE PLAN – A SCAM?? I too purchased this plan, and my credit card called me immediately saying it was being billed outside of the United States, saying Microsoft was an American company within American borders. They were calling to ask me to be sure this was the REAL Microsoft com[...]

February 7th, 2016 - 1:24 am § in The Ave Scene

Republicans: Does Seattle Have Anyone Like Doug Burgham?

A Former Microsoft Exec Doug Burgum Wants to Be Governor of North Dakota I have no desire to be a politician. I do want to be an elected leader.  RE/CODE REPORTS THAT Doug Burgum,  founded Great Plains Software and ran it for 18 years before selling to Steve Balmer at Microsoft for $1.1 billion,[...]

February 5th, 2016 - 11:33 am § in Misc.

Has Microsoft Created a NEW Form of the Computer?

Rick Broida at cNET is skeptical about Microsoft’s Surface and the entire concept if the hybrid between a tablet and a notebook PC.   Broida sees the Surface as  a tablet with an oversize screen, ” — too big and heavy to hold comfortably for long periods. When it comes to tabl[...]

January 29th, 2016 - 6:23 am § in The Ave Scene


DES MOINES, Iowa – Despite a narrowing gap between Sanders and Clinton in the Iowa race, some of his supporters are showing signs of corporate paranoia. Bernie Sanders is a nice man, a noble guy and my candidate  but his campaign is showing tad bit of paranoia over  the involvement of Microsof[...]

December 25th, 2015 - 7:43 am § in Misc.

Microsoft’s Christmas Commerical an Apple Store!


October 7th, 2015 - 10:14 am § in The Ave Scene

Microsoft is back ..IN SPADES


December 28th, 2014 - 1:50 am § in The Ave Scene

Russel Wilson New Spokester for Microsoft


November 3rd, 2014 - 8:48 am § in America, The Ave Scene

Microsoft Opens a Garage

  The legend of the garage is part of the reason so many people are Apple fans.  Google has a similar policy, touting the release time it allows Goolgeoids to work on their own projects. How to respond if you are stodgy Microsoft? Five years ago, Microsoft created its own  Garage.  Not a ph[...]

October 10th, 2014 - 9:12 am § in America, Hypocrisy, The Ave Scene

Satya Nadella gets dissed for wrong reason.

The breathless hype about Satya Nadella’s remarks utterly missed the BIG point.  Nadella was not saying women should be paid less or accept lower pay.  He was saying that workers need to trust the management system to promote  the best.  A similar idea motivates the Catholic Church.[...]

September 13th, 2014 - 1:58 pm § in The Ave Scene

Ballmer: Teacher at Stanford

Professor Ballmer! Ex-Microsoft CEO to teach Stanford MBA class ‘Leading Organizations’ by Taylor Soper on August 20, 2014August 20, 2014 at 2:14 pm1 Comment Steve Ballmer certainly learned a lot from leading Microsoft for 14 years. Now, he’ll pass on that knowledge to MBA students. Ballmer, w[...]