Leaving aside the escapades of Judge Boof Kavanaugh and his gang, I am repelled by the stories of male thuggish behavior at the all boy, all catholic Georgetown prep. Is this normal? I am a male (wow!) Harvard (ehh!) grad. After my time, when the College went coed, I worried about the loss o[...]
Posts Tagged ‘legal abuse’
‘Not guilty’ in first inauguration protests trial
BREAKING — A jury has acquitted all six defendants in the first trial brought by the Trump administration against inauguration protesters. There’s no question that some rioting and property damage occurred during the protests, although the demonstrations on the whole were peaceful and mo[...]
Due Process at the University Of Washington
Paul Yager Professor, Bioengineering Dear Colleagues; I and my laboratory members have been talking about nothing but the Katze case for well over 24 hours now. This case is both infuriating and humiliating—perhaps the worst in my 29 years at UW. I think we are angry about two t[...]
Bigoted Utah judge takes foster baby away from married lesbian couple
“They said Judge Johansen cited research that children do better when they are raised by heterosexual couples. Hoagland believes the judge actually imposed his religious beliefs.” A controversial Utah judge already facing a formal complaint for making a mother punish her daughter by cutt[...]
Bill Quick Chickens Out Again!
For the second time, my hate filled brother in law, Bill Quick, has taken down his site creatively named “steveshits.” Each time he gives an earful about my being into child pornography, racism and bigotry. Or perhaps Bill wants to say I am just crazy and should, as he has argued[...]
THE DARK SIDE of the Debate: Rachell Dolezal’s “Race”
THE MEDIA IS DOING EXACTLY WHAT RACHEL DOLEZAL’S ABUSIVE HOMESCHOOLING PARENTS WANT … TURNING HER COMPLAINT AGAST THEM INTO PUBICITY ABOUT SEX Posted June 16, 2015 by R.L. Stollar at Homeschoolers Anonymous We are covering Rachel Dolezal’s situation because she is a homeschool alumna.[...]
How can cops be so terribly wrong, yet not go to jail?
A car backfires, but cops think they hear a gunshot aimed at them, chase the car down, and fire 137 bullets into it. The two people inside, including a totally innocent female passenger, end up dead — each shot more than 20 times. Michael Brelo, the cop who jumped up on the car’s hood af[...]
LEGAL AB– USE: As with the cops, so with the lawyers
Attorney Mark Papazian says legal misconduct shouldn’t prevent him from receiving $14 million based on a will Mr. Papazian prepared himself. The attorney, Mark Papazian drafted a will that left millions to the attorney and his children. More than $17 million after taxes, most of his clie[...]
BUCHENWALD 71: Why 71?
It is already April 12 today in Germany. I am writing this on the 11th of April in Seattle, but it is now April 12 in Germany. This 12th of April is 70 years after General Patten’s ceremonial entry into Buchenwald. The day is being celebrated .. if that term is acceptable .. by some of t[...]
In Defense of Confederate and Nazi License Plates
Ilya Shapiro is traditional Jewish liberal lawyer, what I now call a lace curtain liberal yid, who puts his own interests and the law in the way of justice. These talented individuals remind me of a relative of mine, a corporate attorney, who once explained to me that in her job the truth did not[...]