Posts Tagged ‘John Bolton’

September 21st, 2019 - 11:13 am § in Donald Trump

(TA BREAKING NEWS) Whistleblower Identified by TAN

(TA BREAKING NEWS)  In an astonishing breakthrough, image analysts at TABN, the investigative arm of TOX News) has discovered that John Bolton is the whistleblower who “outed” Mr. Trump’s phone calls with Oleksiy Honcharuk the Prime Minister of Ukraine and former political comedia[...]

September 10th, 2019 - 10:45 am § in Donald Trump

Trump fires Bolton. Yay!!!

Citing incompatibility of views, Trump fired John Bolton, his national security adviser. GOOD RIDDANCE! Although he’s unquestionably a smart guy — he graduated summa cum laude from Yale, and from Yale Law School (where he was a classmate of Clarence Thomas) — as a human being, Bolt[...]