Biden’s dog receives death threat

“Say hello to Cricket.”

It reads like a bloodstained note from a serial killer.

Cricket is in doggy heaven, blown to bits with a shotgun in a gravel pit. His killer’s message implies a similar fate for the recipient.

After killing her own dog 20 years ago, Kristi Noem is going around saying Biden’s dog should be shot, too. Sure, he’s bitten White House staffers and Secret Service agents, but Biden solved that problem by sending him away.

Meanwhile, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre called Noem’s remarks “disturbing.” She could have given up Cricket to a shelter, but shot him to show the world she can make “tough decisions.”

That reminds me of a sick joke that goes like this. A farmer was trying to teach his dog to sit, but the dog wouldn’t. So the farmer said, “I’m going to count to three. 1, 2, 3,” followed by a gunshot. His wife, who was watching, exclaimed “that was cruel!” The farmer reloaded and said, “1, 2, …”

Well, we don’t need that kind of vice president, and in my opinion South Dakota doesn’t need that kind of governor, but that’s up to the voters there.

Meanwhile, the rumor mill suggests Noem is looking for a job at the NRA (see story here), where presumably she’d become a pitchwoman for shooting things. Maybe she could team up with Kyle Rittenhouse. He’s looking for a gig, too.

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