Posts Tagged ‘Cemmentary by Mirel’

April 21st, 2016 - 7:13 am § in Israel/Palestine, Jews, Misc.

Mirel: Is Bernie Anti Israel?

Mirel Goldenberg Hamas knows that if they were to deploy their rockets and place the entrances to their terror tunnels in unpopulated areas – as the laws of war require – the Israeli military could attack these military targets without endangering civilians. But Hamas wants Israel to injure and [...]

February 10th, 2016 - 11:02 am § in Israel/Palestine, Misc.

Of Kurds and Jews, Two Peoples Fighting For Their Homeland

Mirel Goldenberg The rift between Turkey and the U.S. widened late Tuesday when Ankara summoned the American ambassador, John Bass, to protest remarks by a State Department spokesman who said Washington does not consider Syria’s Kurdish Democracy Union Party (PYD) a terrorist organization. A T[...]

December 17th, 2015 - 12:02 pm § in Misc.

Sharing A Meme


March 29th, 2015 - 8:43 am § in America

THE AMERICAN EMPIRE: Mirel Goldenberg On Obama’s legacy

Mirel Goldenberg Presidents, generals, warlords, popes, kings…are judged not by intentions but by results. Elected to correct the mistakes of the moronic Bush. Obama added his own mistakes and if his exit will be today, the world is even in a poorer shape that on Bush illuminated period. Iraq [...]

March 20th, 2015 - 3:36 am § in Israel/Palestine

An Israeli’s View of Bibi

Mirel Goldenberg Hey, hey…In a democratic election a Right Wing Government under Bibi was elected and difficult years will come for Israel as the crooks, demagogues, fanatics and morons will govern over us. However will be no more chances of a Major war that were if my side, the Mahane HaTzion[...]

March 14th, 2015 - 9:04 am § in Misc.

Women Snore by Mirel


February 28th, 2015 - 9:46 am § in America, Israel/Palestine, Jews

FACEBOOK: Is Torture Justified?

This thread began with a post from The Ave on Giuliani’s bizarre attack on Obama.  The comment thread expanded to a very thoughtful discussion of torture and of the US commitment to Israel.  Mirel Goldenberg Stephen Schwartz. How you obtain information from a detained fanatic terrorist? How [...]

February 28th, 2015 - 9:02 am § in Misc.

Jewish Dreams


February 16th, 2015 - 8:58 am § in Misc.

What Surgeons Do .. Mirel


February 4th, 2015 - 11:48 am § in Misc.

MIrel Goldenberg: Reasons BESIDES ISIS to vote against Netanyahu.

Mirel Goldenberg shared ‎Tzipi Livni – ציפי לבני‎’s photo. ‎מאות מיליונים עוברים מתחת לשולחן! למי? לא לקשישים שחיים בחרפת עוני. לא למערכת הבריאות הקורסת. לא להגנה על ילדי תושבי עו[...]