Posts Tagged ‘99%’

October 27th, 2011 - 4:31 am § in Misc.

Give your bit to the 99%

  We may be returning to the sixties, though the cause is a bigger one.     Some of you may feel, as I do, that the streets are not your form of free speech.  How else can you help?  Here is a simple answer .. PICK UP YOUR PHONE AND ORDER FOOD! Big Mario’s […][...]

October 26th, 2011 - 9:17 am § in America, Hypocrisy

BERKELEY BLOG: Selling the 99% Agenda

A framing memo for Occupy Wall Street  George Lakoff, professor of  linguistics | 10/25/11 | CLICKME: to hear Frank Luntz advise Stephen Colbert on how to frame the Colbert Super Pak. I was asked weeks ago by some in the Occupy Wall Street movement to make suggestions for how to frame the movemen[...]

October 23rd, 2011 - 11:44 pm § in America, Hypocrisy

Origins of The 99% Movement.

The first steps in the OWS movement.[...]

October 23rd, 2011 - 6:10 am § in Politics, The Ave Scene

SUNDAY REVELATIONS: A good deed for today!

UPDATE: Repost of a post on the UW AAUP listserv by Ed Clark, Prof. of Immunology Although the AAUP has expressed support for the Occupy Wall Street (OWS) movement, unfortunately only a few of us have been able to show up at rallies behind the AAUP banner has been.  Most of us are very busy, yet[...]

October 22nd, 2011 - 11:09 am § in America

The AVE Scene: Eyman’s Employer

Developer’s backing a boon to toll initiative Bellevue developer Kemper Freeman has dumped more than $1 million into Tim Eyman’s tolling initiative, which includes a provision that would ban light rail across the Interstate 90 bridge. Readmore at the Seattle Times.[...]

October 22nd, 2011 - 5:23 am § in Politics, Schools & Colleges

The Foundering Fathers vs Public Education

Mike Lee, Utah’s new Tea-Party Senator, tells us  that: “…Congress has no business regulating our nation’s public education system, and has created problems whenever it has attempted to do so.” Senator Lee … not sure where your founding fathers did their founderi[...]

October 21st, 2011 - 10:05 pm § in America

What to call the Wall Street Protesters?

The Fauxies seem to be having trouble coming up with an epithet as bad sounding as the “Tea Bagger” epthet that now seems stuck on the radical right movement. Terms like commie, pinko, fellow traveler seem dated in this post evil empire world. So, I have been giving this some thought an[...]

October 21st, 2011 - 8:47 pm § in America, Politics

OccuPy Wall Street shows bigotry to creatures that have more than six legs.

Always the bad guy   PZ Meyers comment on the demonization of the eight legged.  Will this never stop?[...]

October 20th, 2011 - 9:10 am § in America, Politics, The Ave Scene

Send a Pizza Pie to Westlake!

What are YOU doing? I am not a crowd person.  In the 60s my involvement in civil rights was a small role with SNCC, I was skeptical about all the marches. I was wrong.  However,  I did what I could to support the movement from off of the streets.  We may be returning to the sixties, […][...]

October 19th, 2011 - 10:04 pm § in The Ave Scene

Seattle Scene: The 99% Occupy Westlake Mall

Seattle smiles on its occupation: photos from the front , Michael Hood, Blatherwatch We perambulated the flag-wrapped Occupy Wall Street protest encampment Saturday at Seattle’s Westlake Plaza aglow with economic populism and sweet lefty righteousness. Finally the left is speaking out to and f[...]